
Friday, May 13, 2011

Bloggers Spring Qult Festival - 2011

It's that time of year!  Amy over at Amy's Creative Side has launched the Spring Blogger Quilt Festival! 

Amy's Creative Side

I'm very fortunate that My Guy is a pretty strong supporter of my quilting obsession.  He's tolerant of my requests for frequent stops at quilt shops when we are en route to just about any place.  A couple of years ago we stopped at one quilt shop.  He wandered in with me and poked around while I shopped. After a bit he pointed out a display quilt and asked me if I liked it.  I replied that it was a nice quilt.  About 5 minutes later he asked me the same question about the same quilt.  Then in another 5 minutes he asked again.  Obviously, I was missing something.  I finally asked if he wanted me to buy the pattern and make that quilt.  "Yes" was the response. 

The pattern was "Fractions" by Kari of MoutainPeek Creations.  It looked simple enough.  It was, but blocks had to be assembled just so and pressed just the right direction.  The assembly became a bit tedious.  So the project got put away for a bit.  Every few weeks, My Guy would ask about "his quilt".  I'd made two quilts for our daughter and one for his mother, but not one for him.  So the "guilts" set in and I finally finished it.

The quilting was done by Lesa Foreman.  I'm not sure it's the most "manly" quilting design, but My Guy has never seemed to notice that detail. 

The quilt was finally finished in June of 2010

It is his quilt, but he shares it with me since it resides on our bed.  I love the deep jewel tones he choose for the theme.  It's one of my favorite quilts. 

Thanks for letting me share one of my quilts.  I'm looking forward to checking out all the other lovely quilts at the Festival, hope you do too. 


  1. this is a GREAT quilt...I luv the colors!


  2. Thats a cute story! I wonder if my guy has ever tried to ask for a quilt and I missed it.
    The quilt is beautiful, and he is a lucky guy!

  3. Beautiful quilt, Kate. Love all that color!

  4. Great job, great guy quilt. And that lavel is the perfect finishing touch. Kudos
    Come see my entries, #212 repro cheddar stars and #216 antique 1850 applique flower garden

  5. I love your label! And really love that your husband took enough interest in your hobby to share the pattern that he liked and ask you to make it. It was a real labor of love and I bet he is enjoying it.

  6. Men never ask outright do they? That's one beautiful quilt but I love the story behind it even more.

    You are officially the label queen...and I bow to your amazingness.

  7. What a lovely story and a lovely quilt to go with it.

    My WM is very supportive too; but since I've only finished one quilt so far and that was for our grandchildren (one currently fifteen months, one due in July), he hasn't asked for one - I wonder if he ever will?

  8. Beautiful, and such a great story!

  9. Nice of your husband to take such an interest. And it sure is a really great quilt

  10. He has a good eye. His pattern and fabric selection are great. You implemented it all beautifully and the quilt is love in quilt form.

  11. Beautiful!!! Love the colors and fabrics. The story is really fun and so happy you get to share something you worked on so hard. Think the quilting is fine. Reminds me of fleur de lis which is often used on all sorts of things including military uniforms in sime areas. All in all it's just great. Thanks for sharing and have a great day

  12. It's a wonderful quilt. I have always liked this design and love the colours chosen. I think it is great that you both had a part in this quilt.

  13. That's great. My man has asked for one but ha not provided any guidance yet. His tastes are all over the map so I am waiting for inspiration to hit, still.

  14. It's so lovely to make a quilt for your man. They can be difficult to quilt for!

  15. Isn't it wonderful when men support our addiction to all things fabric?
    I love your Guy quilt. I have the same thing...where's MY quilt??? LOL. I finally finished two for Anthony and he is pretty happy :)

  16. I have made a couple of quilts for my husband. Like your husband, I am fortunate that he is very supportive of my fabric addiction and love of quilting.
    Your quilt is a beauty- I love the colors and tones.
    Enjoy the festival.


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