
Monday, May 30, 2011

Design Wall Monday - May 30th

Happy Memorial Day.  Today my family is remembering my father-in-law who served in WWII and one of his brothers who was a prisoner of war during the Korean war.  If it wasn't for their sacrifices and those of all who've served this country, we might not enjoy the freedom of speech that allows us to express ourselves regularly in our blogs.  So thank you to all who have served and the home front families that share those sacrifices. 

It's also design wall Monday and I actually have some progress to show on the Buck-a-Block quilt. 

The setting blocks and part of the sashing are done.  I'm hoping to finish the setting triangles today and maybe get a start on the rest of the sashing. 

With all the piecing for the Buck-a-Block, progress was also made on the leaders and enders project, the purple and yellow scrap quilt.

Row 7 is finished.  This quilt just needs 2 more rows of blocks before it's ready for assembly.  Rows 1 through 3 are stashed in one of my project boxes. Rows 4 and 5 will have to join them so I have room to put up the last 2 rows on the design wall.  I'm looking foward to laying out the whole quilt to see how it looks. 

Thanks for stopping by today.  Click over to Judy's Patchwork Times for more design walls. 


  1. Love the buck a block quilt!

  2. Both quilts are looking good... I sure like the yellow/purple combination. Very cheery!

  3. Those buck a block blocks look like some difficult piecing. I seem to gravitate to the easy blocks these days! But your results are terrific.

  4. I love that purple and yellow quilt! Both quilts are great!

  5. Buck a Block is coming along beautifully! It looks complicated. Is it one of those "I really have to concentrate while Im making this" quilts?

    Loving the purple and yellow quilt(still) You know if you get that together and dont like it - it will always have a home across the seas!

  6. I love your purple/yellow quilt! I especially like how you have used the lights/darks that make the light of the quilt move from one corner to the other.

  7. Kate...I am so thankful to your father-in-law and your uncle for their service and sacrifice. It is so wonderful to see our veterans appreciated. Now about quilting...I too had those same blocks to work with and I also added a chain block in my setting...I just thought that was funny we were on the same wave length.

  8. I like your alternate setting block---will definitely jazz up the finished quilt. It's great that you're getting some stitching time on both projects at once. I STILL haven't gotten my act together on the leader ender. Someday, someday...

  9. Your quilts are looking good!

  10. Great projects. I love the buck a block quilt. The setting is wonderful.

    For Memorial Day my youngest daughter turn 18 and we honored my husband of 20 years who lies in Ft. Indiantown Gap National Cemetery after 25 years in the Air Force :)

  11. Love your quilts. And thank you to your family for their sacrifices!


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