
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stash Repot - May 29th

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all, hope it's been relaxing and fun.  We are using this as a "fix stuff around the house weekend".  I did get in some sewing time yesterday, which is a good thing or I'd have nothing to put in the stash report.  The storms earlier this week kept me out of the sewing room, too much lightening to feel like it was safe to turn on the machine.  So how did  I do?

Used this week:  1.06
Added this week:  0 yards

Used year to date:  23.8
Added year to date:  16 yards

Net used for 2011:  7.8

Fabric Budget:  13 yards for April to June
Bought/Budget:  9/13 yards

So my stash busting is going, just really slowly.  I had hoped to get more done on the Buck-A-Block quilt, but that just didn't happen this week. 

So how did your stash busting go this week?  Check out Patchwork Times for more stash busting tales.  


  1. I think we're having a "fix stuff around the house summer" since DH's home, so I understand the limited sewing time. I hope you get some more this week!

  2. From the number of people I saw at Lowes yesterday (when we bought paint) I think it is a fix it up weekend for anyone that is not travelling.

  3. Hope the weather allows you to bust some stash this week Kate!

  4. This is clean up the back yard day, well, b4 it gets too hot. Congrats on staying on the stash track.

  5. You are still ahead on your numbers so I think you are doing great!

  6. It's hard to sew when so much is going on but in the midst of it, you're still sewing. That's a lot of sewing in my book.

    We're having a clean up weekend too, though yesterday was so hot and windy, I faded fast.

  7. Just cut our lawn, now it looks like rain, again. Did get some sewing in yesterday, and hopefully I will today. I have a lot of cleaning and prep to do before the family comes tomorrow, but somehow it never takes as long as I think it will.
    Have a great remainder of the weekend!

  8. As long as you ar egoing, it's all good. No matter how slow. I am fighting the same issue...
    Happy Memorial Day to you - and lots of finished house projects!

  9. You still have positive numbers. Looks good to me!

  10. Clean-up fix-up days are good, better to get it done now while it is still"cool" in Oklahoma. The August heat will come soon enough.

  11. Yard work going on here....moving bushes and getting rid of some and adding new ones. I really dislike when the weather interferes with sewing time. I have that issue here in Florida...hope this coming week allows for more machine time.

  12. Mine was slow just like yours, but any progress is good!


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