
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - May 31st

Wow, how did it get to be the end of May?   It seems the busier the month, the faster it goes (maybe not at the speed of light, but it sure seems fast).   

It's Tuesday, time to report on how well I stuck to my challenge to spend at least 15 minutes a day working on quilt projects.  I can't say that the last week has been a dismal failure, but I definitely struggled a few days. 

TX BOM = BAB BOM = Buck-A-Block BOM
 Three days last week I struggled with getting much of anything done.  Part of it was the weather.  It was a stormy week here in Oklahoma, which is not conducive to sewing or computer time due to the risk of lightening strikes.  The other part was just needing a break I think.   One night I read a book, one night Kiddo had a thing, and I have no memory of what I did the third night (no wine was involved, I've just slept since then). 

But 4 out of 7 days isn't bad.  I started the 15 minute challenge to help me take the time to sew.  I like sewing, it's a great source of stress reduction and gratification.  But it's not my job and I don't want it to become a job.  For all the quilting goals and tracking spreadsheets (I'm an Excel geek), it's really about doing something that engages me on another level.  Sitting at my sewing machine with beautiful fabrics and seeing something come together on the design wall energizes me.  It's that feeling that I'm going for. The excitement of seeing how all the pieces fit together, the challenge of solving the assembly problems to make the vision work, the feeling of accomplishment that all that activity brings.  It's not about finishing quilts, though that is a nice side benefit.  

I'm not usually so philosophical.  Quilting in My Pyjamas posted some interesting  meditations on crafty mojo yesterday and that got me to thinking about why I want to spend 15 minutes every day at my sewing machine.  Check out Shay's Monday post.  Lots of food for thought. 

Why do spend time in your sewing room?  Why did you challenge yourself to spend 15 minutes a day sewing?  There is no wrong answer.  Share your thoughts in your blog and link up below.  


  1. I spend time in my sewing room, not just because it is my job, but I get so much joy just being around fabric... I love color, I love cutting it up !I love creating new things and sewing... it relaxes me and it energizes me at the same time, it is my art.

  2. Why do I challenge myself? I love sewing but sometimes I need a little push to get moving. Other times, you can't get me away from my machine.

  3. What I've realised through your challenge is that I am definitely a "do it when I want to " crafter. I have days where I just dont want to sew and I've learned over the past few weeks I shouldnt push myself to do somethingbecause I think I should. I'm much more creative and enjoy it more when I craft a few days a week . My head space is suaully taken up with work related rubbisg Monday to Friday. What's helped me this week is having some hand sewing to do in front of the TV (Yes Im watching TV!)

    No link up for me this week ..I did finish a quilt last night but havent had time to take photos and it wasnt exactly a crafty week. Im going to link next week with my slow sewing post!

  4. You have gotten a lot done, even with storms and other activities. I've been meaning to tell you how much I like your colorful daily chart, especially the no sewing symbol.

    And I promise to do some sewing this week, starting in about 30 minutes.

  5. thanks for having the 15-minute challenge. I'll write something about why I do it, next week. I appreciate the push. thanks.

  6. It's okay to want a break. I took a day off today too. I always tell myself that if I want to sew, I will. If I don't want to, I'll get distracted doing other things. Sometimes life gets in the way, but most of the time, I'm the master of my little universe. It's supposed to be fun.

  7. I wonder if shopping for fabric should count for the 15 minutes? lol


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