
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - May 24th

It's spring in the Midwest, which means thunderstorms and tornadoes.  My Guy and I followed the news on the aftermath of the tornado in Joplin with very heavy hearts.  Though he no longer has family that lives there, he spent a lot of time there when he was younger and Joplin is a frequent stop on any drive to my in-laws. Our hearts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones and must find the courage to rebuild. 

Not much sewing going on last week, it took me several nights of working with Electric Quilt and digging in my stash to work out a setting for the Buck-a-Block quilt.  But if I count those efforts, I spent at least 15 minutes on quilting related activities all 7 days last week. 

Not sure how this week will go.  Today is Kiddo's last day of school.  We have a holiday weekend coming up, so we'll do some fun stuff as a family, but there may be some time for sewing in there too.  The storm (and tornado) risk is very high for our area over the next 2 days, which may limit both sewing and computer time.  I can hear thunder and see lightening, which means it's time to get off the computer. 

How did your sewing efforts go last week?  Link up and share your successes, failures, or your experience with mojo stealing gremlins. 


  1. Sorry you didn't get as much done as you would have liked, and that the storms are hitting too close to John's old home. I saw the damage on the news last night... I have never really seen tornadoes hit cities like that so much, usually only the small towns and out in the country. Praying your area stays safe! Hope you're able to get more sewing done once school is out as well!

  2. My dearest friend lives not far from Joplin and I worry about them all the time. She says more storms today. This has been such a bad year for weather.

  3. Honestly, once I saw the pictures from the tornado I was glad for the first time in ages, that I wasn´t living in the States anymore. We had quite a lot of tornados around Wichita Falls, Tx. But never any serious damage while I was living there.

  4. I'd love to link up but have nothing to show for this's been the least crafty week in ages . Im going to have to re-think the 15 minutes a day concept and just go for overall effort for the week I think!

    Nice to see goblins, gremlins and other nasties didnt steal YOUR mojo.

    Joplin made the news here too. I hope those people find the strength to rebuild both emotionally and with bricks and mortar. Nature while beautiful most of the time is also a very destructive force.

    Stay safe Kate.

  5. Am I the only one to link? I really do appreciate this challenge. I get more done when I'm held accountable, even if it's only to myself.

  6. The only sewing I've done this week is when I put on a shirt and noticed a rip in a seam. Working in the garden wipes me out for the rest of the day. Hopefully, I'll get it under control soon and get in the groove so I can save a little energy for sewing.

    My heart breaks for the people of Joplin. Stay safe where you are too. I heard tornadoes touched down in parts of Dallas and Oklahoma City today.

  7. Did you get through the evening storms on the 24th? It was a wild time around OKC. liz


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