
Monday, May 23, 2011

Design Wall Monday - May 23rd

It's the last full week of May.  For Kiddo today is the next to last day of school.  She was saying at dinner last night, it didn't feel like the end of the school year.  As much as I'm ready for the warmer weather, I'm not sure I'm ready for summer either.  I am ready to get past the worst of the spring storm season. 

What's up on the design wall?  Not much. 

The blue and black are the setting blocks for the Buck-A-Block quilt, on the right are the next two blocks for the purple and yellow leaders and enders project.  I've got several more rounds of strips to add to the setting blocks.  The two purple and yellow blocks will complete row 7 of the planned 9 rows.  So progress, even if it seems to be moving a bit slow. 

That's it for my design wall this week.  What's up on yours?  Check out Judy's Patchwork Times to see more design walls. 


  1. I really like your purple and yellow blocks, lots of yummy fabrics in them.
    Just heard about the latest tornadoes, it sounds terrible. I'm crossing my fingers for you that the storm season finishes very soon.

  2. I like the setting for the buck a block, and I like how the yellow and purple look together for the other blocks!

  3. I am loving the purple and yellow so much!!! The buck a block is pretty too and I can't wait to see how it is set.

  4. I am really looking forward to seeing both quilts done, especially the Buck A Block. I agree it does not feel like the end of the school year. Goodness, where did the first half of the year go??

  5. The purples and yellows are so fun! I have very little of those two colors in my stash.

    Happy summer vacation, I hope!

  6. It's the journey not the destination Kate. Slow and steady progress gives your quilts more history when they're finished.

    Love both your design wall projects this week.

  7. I really like the blue and black blocks.


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