
Friday, May 27, 2011

Favorite Things Friday - May 27th

There are weeks where I really feel like the name of my blog fits, this has really been a week of living life-in-pieces, really good pieces, really stressful pieces, and really scary pieces.   Last night the really scary piece brought home to me just how favorite certain things in life are. 

This week my favorite thing is my baby brother.

This isn't the greatest shot of him and it's about 3 years old, but it's all I had in my vast collection of photographs.  Well, he's in our wedding pictures, but he looks like Lurch (from the Adams Family).  He towers over everybody.   He and I used to get to stay up late and watch Creature Feature (monster movies) when he was little.  He was too scared to watch them by himself, so I'd have to sit with him.  Just how many Godzilla movies are there?  

When he was 3 years old he started carrying around one of my Dad's motorcycle magazines because it had an add for this little Indain motorcycle that was just his size.  Dad finally brought one home.  He learned to ride that little motorcycle before he learned to ride a bicycle.  He still rides motocycles, every chance he gets.

He's got a wicked sense of humor, he'll have us all rolling when he gets going (not that it takes much with my family).   I'm amazed Mom didn't kill him somewhere along the way.  He'd make all kinds of faces when she was getting on to him about something (to be honest, he still does that).   It was hard not to laugh.  Now that I'm a parent, I understand that strategy, as I'm sure he did. 

We almost lost him yesterday.  He's fine, resting in the hospital.  I'm a bit shaken, sounds like more then he is, which would be typical. 

For those in the US, happy Memorial weekend.  Enjoy the time with your family and friends, appreciate every moment. 

To check out more favorite things, click over to Quilting in my Pyjamas.    


  1. Oh my, Kate! Praying your brother will fully recover very quickly. And hoping you recover from the shock from almost losing him. Take care! (((HUGS)))

  2. OMG. I hope he recovers quickly. It is amazing how these events really drive home what is important. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for Younger Brother.

  4. I hope he bounces back soon. Sorry for the scary bits. He sounds like a great brother!

  5. Praying for a fast recovery for little brother (who is apparently not so little any more).

  6. OH! I hope he recovers from his brush with death!

  7. Praying everything is okay! What happened? I can't imagine almost losing one of my sisters just yet!

  8. Kate Im so glad your brother is OK.

    It sounds like he scared the pants off you and Im guessing it's the fact he's safe that's your favourite this week. It's a worthy favourite my friends.

    Sending positive thoughts and well wishes your brothers way. How many extra grey hairs do you have this week?

  9. Little brothers have a special place in the hearts of all big sisters. I'm so glad he is OK. Wishing him a speedy recovery and peace for you.

    xo -E

  10. I hope your brother has a quick recovery. I hope you recover too.
    Sending lots of well wishes to your brother.

  11. Sorry to hear that Kate, hope your brother recovers quickly and you get your sense of equilibrium back. Hope it wasn't a bike accident :-( Sending lots of healing thoughts.

  12. Omigosh! I have a little brother who keeps us laughing too. Hope he's safe and getting back to usual soon.


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