
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 36 of 2024


Lower temps and lower humidity made for a much more pleasant week.  But it's still summer here, true autumn weather is several weeks off for us.  It's still much nicer in my sewing room in the afternoon then it is outside.  Still easy to maintain my stitching time streak last week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Sept = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 251/251 days
  • Success rate = 100% 

I'm still stalled on processing scraps, but I have made a bit of progress on pressing fabric and reorganizing the fabric closet.  

The bin is almost half empty. It's been a month since I started on this refill.  I've not had as much time to press fabrics, so it may take a couple more months to empty the bin this time.  But I'm happy with the progress I'm making, even if it is slow. 

Are you happy with your progress year to date?  Have you had time to stitch or has it been just one of those years?  

1. Frédérique
2. maggie f
3. Karen
4. DonnaleeQ
5. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
6. Jennifer in Indy
7. Deb in Canada
8. Bonnie in Va
9. Andrée at Quilting & Learning
10. Amanda

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  1. The perfect summer to stitch ;) Love this blue fabric in the second bin. You are still very good with your numbers! Mine will get better this week ;)

  2. We've had really pleasant weather this week, too - definitely a hint of fall in the air. You're doing such a great job with your 15 minutes a day success rate, Kate! That helps make good progress on all kinds of things. My only frustration for myself this year is that I have been slow to finish quilts. There are three in my waiting to be quilted pile! Hoping to make some progress on that these last few months of the year!

  3. we have had wonderful weather the last couple days and nights I'm sure it won't last!!

  4. Happy Sunday , Kate. It is so nice that you have a sewing space that is comfortable this time of the year. It makes it a lot more pleasant to stay in the room and work. Woo hoo on processing some of your fabric! I did get my 15 minutes of stitching in, but I feel like I am way behind this year. Last year was a good year though. Keep up the momentum. You are so inspiring.

  5. Our weekend has been beautiful with low humidity and temps, windows open all weekend! But it isn't fall yet, we will be in the upper 80s again later this week! I love that red rose fabric in your stash - will make a fantastic focus fabric or back.

  6. Good job on the stash organizing, even in small increments. No progress from me on the stash, but I've made some progress on lingering projects. So it's all good.

  7. Our weather has been very pleasant. It was so nice to sit outside Monday at the street party -- low humidity and comfortable temps. Slow and steady to certainly reasonable when ironing.

  8. Hi Kate, I'm so happy that you're having a great stitching year! I've had a good year and a nice week. It's fun playing on all kinds of projects - today was a journal making day. It was lots of fun. Take care.

  9. Spring has sprung down here, though they BOM keeps saying we will be getting rain but it doesn't happen. We've had some high 20's days, its nice not to have to put the heater on and have a bit more extra light in the evenings


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