
Monday, September 9, 2024

Nothing New on the Design Wall

It was a busy weekend.  We spent some time with the family celebrating my sister's birthday.  So I didn't get much done on the stitching front over the weekend.  Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter) is still up on the big design wall. 

I finished the pieced border and the narrow orange strip border.  The final teal border is still over at the sewing machine. 

Almost ready to cut the first strips for the last border.  By the end of the week, Chilhowie should be a finished quilt top.  Before I get to that though, I need to prep Diatom for quilting and get it sent out for quilting.  At some point in the next few days I'll need to figure out which to be finished and which to be assembled project needs to be added to the in progress list.  So there should be something new up on the design wall next week.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  


  1. Chilhowie is looking great, Kate! I think the final teal border strip is perfect to contain all that bright color. Have a productive week!

  2. That teal fabric is really pretty. Looking forward to seeing your finish, I still love this quilt.

  3. There was a Chilhowie at the Wisconsin Quilt Show but that was the only Bonnie H on display.

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend with your family, Kate. Chlhowie is looking fabulous. Love the teal butterfly border fabric you have chosen .I am looking forward to seeing your finish. Hugs.

  5. Your design wall looks pretty. Happy birthday to your sister!

  6. the quilt looks great! I don't remember that pattern when she was doing it.

  7. Wow! That looks fantastic! Barbara @ Cat Patches

  8. Chilhowie is looking great! The teal border will tone down the bright orange a bit.

  9. The color choices in this quilt are really pretty. The teal border will look just right.

  10. Happy Birthday Sister!!!
    Love the colors in this one.

  11. You are doing so well on your Chilhowie quilt. Beautiful colorway.


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