
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Week 114 Photo Challenge: Masks

Week 114 was a tough challenge for all of us. Grad Girl and I had photos for last week, but My Guy wasn't ready. To be fair, work had been more crazy than usual and we were both at a conference last week, so he just hadn't had time to put his mind to coming up with a subject for the challenge.  

This one was tough for all of us. It wasn't that we didn't have the subject matter, it's how do you get a good/interesting photo?  My approach was to pull out my macro lens to see what developed from that. 

Kate: Make Do Masks

I made a lot of cloth masks during the pandemic. It's only been a couple of years ago, so most probably still remember not being able to order any type of mask. Then it became hard to find elastic for the ear pieces.  I found a pattern that used strips from old t-shirts as the ear pieces.  They were far more comfortable than the elastic ear pieces and thankfully I had lots of old t-shirts we had been keeping to use as rags.  No idea how many came out of my sewing room. My Guy and Grad Girl had plenty.  I made several for Grad Girl's roommate and many others for her friends. I'm glad that time is over, hopefully we won't need them again for a very long while.  

My Guy asked if we still had construction paper, which we did (Do you still have that stuff left from your kids school projects?)  A little bit later he asked if I had a black fabric scrap I was willing to sacrifice.  So we dug in my scrap box for something he deemed suitable.  When he's looking for bits and pieces, he usually comes up with something entertaining. 

My Guy: Mask 

He didn't disappoint.  This nut bowl was a gift from one of his sisters, it sits on the catch all tray on the dining room table and doubles as our photo card display location.  The masked squirrel, definitely entertaining.  

Grad Girl, as usual, found something from the lab.  

Silica is often used as a catalyst or as a catalyst base.  Early on, she was using it a lot.  You do have to wear a M95 to keep silica out of your airways as it can cause silicosis, which like asbestosis causes severe damage to your lungs and can, with long exposure, result in depressed lung capacity and lung cancer.  Grad Girl's photo wouldn't be out of place in a journal article about silica risks. 

Masks definitely wasn't the easiest subject for the three of us.  This week's challenge should be much easier.  

One of the nice things about Oklahoma is that it's flat enough to be able to capture some incredible sunrises and sunsets.  Fingers crossed it doesn't rain all week! 


  1. I remember learning that we could use strips of t-shirts for mask ear pieces - maybe from you?! That was a time, wasn't it? We still have a box of paper masks in our car and take some with us when we travel. Your guy's masked squirrel is fun, and grad girl's mask for her work sounds very necessary!

  2. Great photos. I did get a chuckle out of the Lone Ranger squirrel. Can’t wait to see what you come up with for the sunrise/sunset. Some of my favorite subjects.

  3. The masked squirrel is a riot! How does he think of things like that?

  4. Great photos! LOL on the masked squirrel. :D

  5. Wonderful photos, Kate. Lol that masked squirrel- what a hoot!!! I can not wait to see next week's photos. OK has some of them most beautiful sunsets. Hugs.

  6. The lone ranger squirrel so funny! You are all telling bits of your personality with your photo challenge.

  7. Your photos are always so interesting. I love that you're doing this!


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