
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 06/25/2024

I didn't post a to do list for last week since I was at the conference for the week and then knew I'd be at Grad Girl's cat sitting over the weekend. There was some progress on the to do list from the 11th before the long drive to Texas. 

To Do List for 06/11/2024

1. Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks ✔
2. Guild BOM: Finish assembly of the June block - progress
3. Wild and Goosey: Continue making blue blocks 
4.  Indigo Way: Continue as leaders and enders project 

Three out of four isn't a bad week, especially since I lost a couple of days due to the conference.  I enjoyed the conference, but forgot how much they can take out of you.  I'm looking forward to a bit of a rest now that I'm home and having more time in the sewing room. 

To Do List for 06/25/2024

1.  2024 SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Prep for quilting

This one shouldn't take to long to press and clean up the back. I used a lot of black, so loose threads won't be as visible on those borders.  The goal is to get this one sent out for quilting before the end of the month.  

2. Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks

My paper piecing skills are getting a work out with this project. 

3.  Guild BOM: Finish assembly of the June block

Just two more borders and this month's block will be finished. That should be done before the end of the month.  

4. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making blue blocks

5.  Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue as leaders and enders

Even though the setting triangles are just partial blocks, assembly still takes a bit.  Fingers crossed the last 4 are done before the end of the month. 

That's my list for the week. I am looking forward to spending some time in my sewing room. Last week was a nice change, but I'm ready for some quiet time with no people! Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday


  1. You made great progress last week given the conference. I hope you have a great week!

  2. It's all looking good. Your SAHRR quilt looks spooky from the back.

  3. You have a good list of projects to keep you busy, Kate. I just loved this year's SAHRR . I wish you the best in snipping those threads and pressing. You June block is so pretty in blues. Enjoy your week. Hugs.

  4. I chuckled at your comment about being ready for quiet time with no people. That's exactly how I feel after spending time with friends and family in FL in Feb-Mar. I love visiting everyone, but being social for weeks on end is draining.
    I like the June guild block. Interesting design. How big are the blocks.

  5. Your guild block is a neat one, Kate! Hope you're enjoying being involved in the guild. Good luck with your list this week!

  6. Great progress, and are you glad to be out of your high heels? ;)

  7. Your guild BOM block is so pretty.
    You definitely take a lot of care into preparing your tops for quilting. I wish the cottons wouldn't fray so much. That would save us time.

  8. Hi Kate. Sounds like you enjoyed being away but are glad to be home. I can sympathize with the not wanting to be around people comment..your Guild block is lovely and the setting blocks for Wild and Goosey do look a bit fussy. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. I hope you are enjoy this week at home and getting fabric therapy time! 😉 Carol

  9. Using Leaders and Enders is a great way to make progress on Indigo Way! I will be trimming the center and adding borders on mine soon. Way to go for accomplishing so much on your list! I hope you have at least as much progress this week!


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