
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 17 of 2024

It's not been one of my better weeks.  Thank goodness for handwork.  I'm off the pain medication and can handle the stairs without a crutch.  So definite improvement.  It's still a bit uncomfortable to use the foot pedal on the sewing machine for very long, but I've been able to sew for hour long stretches the last couple of days. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/April = 27/27 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 118/118 days
  • Success rate = 100%

With the handwork sessions, I've been able to keep my stitching time at 100% for the year so far.  Not sure I'm going to be able to keep that up, but it's fun to challenge myself on that front.  

I did discover that knee surgery doesn't prevent one from fabric shopping. I need to walk more and the weather here has been iffy so I took a trip to the local quilt store just to walk a bit and get out of the house.  Of course in my weakened state, I just couldn't resist the lure of some pretty fabrics to pet.  

My favorite is the rainbow mandala fabric on the bottom. It would make a very fun border for a rainbow scrap quilt.  No plans for any of these three, I just liked them.  Now to get some projects finished so I can start some new stuff. 

Did you have time to play with needle and thread last week? 

1. Gretchen
2. Frédérique
3. maggie f
4. Julie in GA
5. Karen
6. Deb in Canada
7. DonnaleeQ
8. Quilting Gail
9. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
10. Bonnie in Va
11. Janice - Jannimary

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  1. Healing progress may be slow but it's progress! Just take it easy and don't rush your recovery, you don't want any set backs. Fabric shopping sounds like a good exercise for your knee!

  2. Your new fabrics are beautiful, and you deserve the treat after your surgery. Your 100% success rate is very impressive!

  3. Fabric therapy is a much needed thing! Great choices, enjoy petting them. Hope you enjoy a more pain-free week.

  4. congrats on 100 % goal - glad you are moving better

  5. Oh, what a good excuse! Of course, fabric shopping is part of the healing process ;)) Well done with your numbers so far!

  6. Fabric therapy is very important! Glad you could get out to do that and that it feels good to walk. Every little bit counts in both healing and in sewing!

  7. I like that idea of walking in the quilt store!! I was in Sams club and overheard a lady remind her husband - I am just here for the walking dear... she made me giggle!
    Glad you got some beautifies to stroke while you heal!

  8. It sounds that day by day you are making strides in the healing process. Such beautiful fabrics . I look forward to seeing them in future projects. Enjoy your day, Kate and Woo Hoo for 100%! You go girl!!!

  9. I think you were very wise to get out and walk around and enjoy the fabric store. And, of course some needed to come home with you. It'll be fun to see how you use them. Good to hear you are improving.

  10. Your shopping expedition was good therapy. PT for your knee, and fabric therapy for the soul.

  11. Ooh, I love that rainbow mandala fabric too!


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