
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 03/12/2024

It certainly seems like March is moving along.  Friday is the halfway point of the month.  The end of the month marks the end of the first quarter of 2024.  There is still 3/4 of the year left, but boy does it seem like time is moving quickly.  

Thankfully I was able to make good use of the time I had last week so there was good progress on the To Do List. 

To Do List for 3/5/2024

1. Stay at Home Round Robin:  Finish border 5, work on border 6 ✔

2. Betty: Finish borders ✔

3. Malted Mystery:  Finish February clue - no progress

4. Wild and Goosey:  Continue making purple blocks ✔

5. Scrappy Butterflies: Print label, make binding ✔

6. Indigo Way: Continue as leaders and enders ✔

Five check marks and one no progress is a really good week.  Betty is a finished quilt top. So it will drop off the list for now.  I've plenty in the sewing room to replace it with.  Here is this week's to do list.

To Do List for 3/12/2024

1. Stay at Home Round Robin (Quilting Gail): Finish border 6.

I've made good progress on making the blocks for the border. Just a little over half the 36 blocks needed are pieced.  The final parade starts on Monday, so I'd like to have a finished quilt top by then. 

2. Scrappy Butterflies (A Flutter): Finish the quilt

The label is printed and is ready for pinning to the back.  The binding is made.  So I just need to machine stitch it to the front and finish the hand stitching to the back.  That should be doable this week.  

3. Guild BOM: Fix February block, finish March block.

Somehow I completely missed that turned piece in the upper right of the February block. That should be a pretty quick fix.  The March block isn't too complicated, so fingers crossed it goes to together pretty quickly.  

4. Malted Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish February clue, start March clue. 

I've gotten a bit behind on this one.  If I can finish the March clue, this project will move to the finished quilt top category on my list. 

5. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making purple blocks. 

Purple is such a fun color to sew with.  One block finished and a start on two others.  I'm hoping to make good progress on these this month. I don't have a lot of purple blocks finished, it's the color I've the least of. 

6. Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making blocks as leaders and enders. 

I need to regroup at some point this week and see what component parts need to be cut.  I need to make two more A blocks for sure. I'll need more B blocks and side triangle blocks, I'm just not sure how many.  

Once the SAHRR and the Malted Mystery are quilt tops, I'm hoping my weekly to do list will shrink a bit. It's hard to make progress on six items each week.  Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric for this week's To Do Tuesday.  


  1. You have been doing so well at making progress on many different projects!

  2. I’ve enjoyed seeing your progress on the Betty quilt. I really like it and plan to make it as soon as I figure out where I put the book with the pattern!

  3. That is a really good list of checkmarks!!! But really? Half way thru??? ugh!!

  4. March is definitely moving right along! I'm ready to have my SAHRR be done, too - sounds like you're getting close. That is a really pretty binding fabric for your butterfly quilt. I love that shade of blue!

  5. You are making great progress on so many projects! I hope you have a great week.

  6. You have a lot of pretties to keep you busy this week. Do you cut out your binding ahead of time or wait till your quilt is nearly finished? Have a wonderful evening, Kate. Hugs.

  7. Looks like it was a good week. Way to keep up with everything!

  8. I am amazed how you work on several projects simultaneously. Oopsies happen. Yes, purple can be fun. It can also be challenging. Reddish purple, bluish purple or truish purple :-D Hope you feel better soon. Hugs.


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