
Monday, March 11, 2024

A Finished Quilt Top and More Progress on the SAHRR

The leg continues to heal, but then I had some issues with my back one evening.  A couple of days on muscle relaxants and the back is as normal as it gets these days. That did cut into my sewing time a couple of evenings, I just didn't feel much like sewing a lot.  It certainly seems I get one body part healed and something else goes out. Unfortunately a trade in just isn't in the cards, so maintenance is key from here on out.  

I made up for the lack of stitching time early in the week over the weekend. The first priority was to decide on a border for Betty (Just Two Charm Pack Quilts, Meadow Mist Designs).  After digging in my stash a bit,  I found an oldy but goodie.  

I forgot to get a photo before I cut off the selvage.  In 2005, we were still in Texas.  There was only a yard of this deep blue, but that was enough for the border. 

I liked the deep blue with the medium blue printing.  Unfortunately it reads almost black from a distance, but it does make a nice frame for the quilt. 

The quilt top is assembled.  I missed the parade for the Just Two Charm Pack Quilts quilt along. That's alright. I'm really happy with how this quilt worked out.  The blocks are made from 2.5" strips from my scrap bin. The background and sashing fabrics are left over yardage from other quilts.  The blue border is one of my older stash acquisitions.  The goal was to clear out some scraps and older yardage. This quilt certainly met that goal.  My plan is to finish it and donate it to one of the charities the local guild supports.  

The 5th border for the 2024 Stay At Home Round Robin quilt top was finally finished off this weekend. 

The prompt for border 5 was "4".  The friendship stars have 4 points.  The blocks for border #6 are under construction. The prompt for that week was letters or numbers.  The block represents a letter and placement in the border a number.  So I've got that prompt covered once I get enough blocks made to start assembling that border.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts this week.  


  1. The two charm quilt is beautiful! The border fabric is perfect and this will be a lovely donation quilt. Your SAHRR quilt looks good too, it certainly doesn't look like a sew-along quilt. Happy stitching!

  2. I love the way your SAHRR quilt is turning out! The border fabric for the Betty quilt is perfect. That will be a great donation quilt.

  3. sometimes we just have to keep working on our physical therapy and change the way we do things a little bit. Hope you get to feeling 100% soon

  4. Dark blue is always hard to photograph, but that looks perfect for Betty's border! I'm looking forward to seeing your design for the SAHRR Border #6, too. Have a great week, Kate!

  5. Your kitty is sittin' pretty! Whew--glad you had enough dark blue for the border.

  6. The dark blue border frames your Betty quilt beautifully; congratulations on the pieced top! And the SAHRR is looking really nice. I hope you have fun with the final border.

  7. Pretty blue quilt, the deep blue border is gorgeous, I love this print!
    Your SAHRR is growing nicely, and I enjoy every step! Love the stars in the corners. I'm glad that you were able to have some great sewing time this week.
    Thank you for sharing!

  8. I love how your quilt top turned out. That’s a beautiful fabric. I backed up several posts trying to figure out what’s wrong with your leg. Somehow I missed that. I hope it’s better soon, and yes, back issues are so debilitating. Aging isn’t for wimps. Both your quilts are looking great.

  9. Aah, Swoon! Betty is so beautiful. Love the deep blue border fabric and your SAHRR quilt is fabulous . I hope your back feels better soon, Kate. My dad has been down in his back and it just affects the whole body. He went to the doctor because his leg was hurting and found out it was actually a back problem. So glad you was able to get in some quilting time. Hugs.

  10. Glad the muscle relaxants worked. That deep blue looks beautiful, love your pieced top! Your SAHRR is looking fabulous. :)


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