
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 2 of 2024


We are two weeks into 2024.  January always seem to pass so much slower than December did.  Maybe it's the cold that slows us down? Most of the US has cold stuff in abundance this weekend. We don't have to be anywhere the next couple of days, so staying home and stitching is definitely our plan.  My stitching efforts for 2024 have gotten off to a good start. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Jan = 13/13 days
  • 15 minutedays/2024 = 13/13 days
  • Success rate = 100% 

I'm curious to see how long I keep the 100% success rate.  I can usually manage it in January.  It's harder in February for some reason.  

I've not gotten back to my sewing room clean up yet this year.  I'm still adjusting to the quiet house with Grad Girl and Queenie back in Texas. 

During their visit, Queenie would come down to the office in the mornings and hang out in the window while I wrote my blog posts.  It was nice the have the company in the morning. 

Have you gotten back on track after the holidays?  


1. maggie f
2. Gretchen
3. Julie in GA
4. Karen
5. Frédérique
6. DonnaleeQ
7. katie z.
8. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
9. Bonnie in Va
10. Andrée
11. Deb in Canada
12. Jocelyn @CNN
13. Celine

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  1. The cold weather is definitely the perfect time to stay home and stitch!

  2. I bet you do miss kitty companionship, nothing quite like it.
    I have been busy the last few days rearranging things again in my sewing room, and last night I got my longarm table cleaned off. So, I am hoping that will inspire me to actually get some things finished.
    Enjoy your stitching time!

  3. Enjoy your sewing time while it's cold out there. Thank you for hosting Stitching Stuff!

  4. My time to sew seems to vary week by week, even when it's not the holidays. Last week I had my two group meetings - book club and quilt group - and an appointment that took up some time, so not much time to be sewing. Looking forward to some more open time this week! Love your photo of Queenie!

  5. Cats are good company - if they want to be. LOL

    It's amazing how quickly the month of January is going.

  6. Yes, I am back on track, but January is a good month for me generally.

    Hope you get back into the swing of things too. The cat has gone home with grad girl, I presume.

  7. I've really been getting things done in January. I hope this week will be as productive as the last two. If the snow falls I'll have even more time to quilt... I just checked the weather on my phone and it said there were flurries in our area. But no, nothing is going on out there except it's cold. We're suppose to get 2.5" over the next 24 hours. We'll see... Have a good week.

  8. Lots of stitching when it is too cold to go out and about here! Off to the warm soon , so that will be good! Sew on everyone!

  9. So far so good but I don't know how long I'll manage to keep it up either. Enjoy the hibernation!


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