
Monday, January 15, 2024

Cutting and Stitching

It's cold! I know we have it easy compared to those north of us, but once you get past a certain point it's all just cold.  It's -1 F at the moment.  We are supposed to get up into the teens today. That's a heat wave compared to our high of 5 F yesterday. 

The one good thing about the cold and snow is that it's a very good reason to spend most of Sunday in the sewing room.  I spent most of the morning cutting scraps and yardage for the Just Two Charm Pack Quilts quilt a long sponsored by Meadow Mist Designs

 I have 2 weeks to make half the blocks for my chosen quilt from the book, Betty. 

Most of the afternoon and evening was spent working on Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter). 

 I've done well this year with mostly keeping up.  At this time last year, I had just finished one block of the 2022 mystery.  Progress will slow down on this project as both Betty and the 2024 SAHRR will become higher priorities. Clues 1, 2, 3, 5 are completed.  So just 4, 5, 7 and 8 left.  

I did get half the pieces cut for my center block for the 2024 SAHRR, but didn't take any pictures of that. I have this week to cut the other half and get that block assembled.  

Linking up with Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts.  Stay warm this week!  


  1. It is 6 here this morning, and this is the time of year that Hubs and I usually start rethinking our plans to move north in the next few years. ;) Did you get much snow? Those are pretty colors for the charm pack quilt. Looking forward to seeing your SAHRR block choice.

  2. it is 5 here this morning and would rather it was at least 30!!

  3. Your blocks for Indigo Way look great! Congrats on your progress with that one.

  4. Your Indigo Way look great so far. Mine is back in the project box at home. I like the blocks but haven't decided to finish it as a wall hanging like my original plan, or go ahead and make it bigger.

  5. I guess I shouldn't be complaining about 28 or so! But it was really cold when we went to work out around 8am. There was a bit of snow on the grass and sidewalks. But the roads were wet, not ice. We have more snow predicted this afternoon and evening. That's fine with me as I like the idea of holing up in my studio and sewing, or cleaning, or reading -- of just about anything. Stay toasty warm!

  6. Indigo Way is going to be stunning!!! I have my SAHRR Block chosen, I think. LOL

  7. Still cold here in Colorado and snowing again, too! I have to admit I'm getting a little cabin fever. Your colors for the Just Two Charm packs QAL are pretty - love those blues! I'm getting ready for the SAHRR, too - just pulled some fabrics yesterday.

  8. Those temperatures are really good reasons to stay inside and quilt. Stay warm and enjoy your stitching time!

  9. Wow, that's a lot of cutting, and your color choice is lovely. Blue and purple, I can't wait to see this project coming along!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful work in progress.

  10. Pretty fabrics in your mystery. I agree about the cold. Even *in* the house it seems very cold to me, even though the furnace is running almost nonstop.

  11. Your Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt is coming along very nicely! You've picked such a nice color palette for it. It really pops!


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