
Saturday, January 7, 2023

Week 55 Photo Challenge: An Insect

This is the end of the first week in 2023.  My year hasn't gotten off to the best start. As Grad Girl said I finally lost the Covid avoidance game. Thankfully both My Guy and Grad Girl tested negative this morning.  Since Grad Girl won't be home for a while, I've transferred to her second floor bedroom and bathroom till I test negative in hopes of not passing this along to My Guy. 

Even with me being quarantined, we were able to complete this week's photo challenge. 


Normally this wouldn't be a hard challenge, but it is the first week of January.  It's been a cold winter so far, so insects are a bit scarce.  Even so, we all came up with a photo. 

Considering I'm not supposed to be out and about, I really had to improvise. 

Kate: Jeweled Ladybug

I raided my jewelry box for the ladybug and borrowed the artificial flower arrangement in Grad Girls room for my effort. So my subject matter is 100% artificial this week. I still like the result. 

My Guy is out and about a lot, even in the cold weather. He did both bird counts this year, one in the extreme cold and the second in the rain. So even though he's been out and about, his photo isn't what you would normally think of as an insect. 

My Guy: Evergreen cocoon

It's definitely an insect, but it's in suspended animation for the winter.  By spring this will be an Evergreen Bag Worm moth. My Guy tells me they are quite ugly.

I'm not sure where Grad Girl took her photo, but it's probably the closest to the prompt this week. 

Grad Girl: Ladybug

Her photo is of an real ladybug, but she may be a bit desiccated.  I like the texture and contrast in this photo.  

So that was our effort for this week.  My Guy picked the card for this week's photo challenge. 


I have an idea for this one. My Guy is already dragging out props for his photo.  Grad Gril went "Ugh".  Seems she'll have to think on it some. I hope you'll come back next week to see what we all came up with.  


  1. I think we're all playing the Covid avoidance game these days - and the worst part is worrying that we'll pass it to our families! Hope you're feeling better each day, Kate. Fun to see how you each managed photos of insects this week!

  2. Ugh on the Covid - hope you aren't feeling too badly. Your insect was quite creative! I used to see those cedar cocoons when we lived in south Texas.

  3. It would be difficult to find an insect in January. All three of you handled the challenge well, despite the extra challenge of you being quarantined and the winter.

  4. I think you win for the week - great color and interest in your photo!


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