
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 11/8/2022

Getting into the sewing room has gotten easier over the last few weeks.  My stitching mojo hasn't 100% returned, but it's definitely improved.  Drafting a To Do List each week has definitely helped. So thanks to Texas Quilt Gal for sponsoring To Do Tuesday each week.  I did OK on last week's list. 

To Do List for Week of 11/1/2022

1. Unity: prep backing for quilting - no progress

2. Macaron Mystery: Finish adding borders ✔

3. Melodic Mystery: Work on clues 1, 2, and 3 

4. Rhododendron Mystery: Assemble blocks as leaders/enders 

Three out of four isn't a bad week. I'm really dragging my heals on prepping the backing for Unity.  It's just been more fun to sit at the sewing machine and stitch. At some point I'll be ready to get a quilt finished and it will get done, so I'll leave it on this week's list. 

To Do List for Week of 11/8/2022

1. Unity: prep backing for quilting

2. Macaron Mystery: Find backing fabric

3. Melodic Mystery: Work on clues 2 and 3

September's clue is finished, so I just need to finish October's and November's clues. I'm enjoying my fabric choices for this project. The dark burgundy is my background fabric. I've used black as a background fabric, but this is the first time I've used a non-neutral dark color in a quilt.  

4. Rhododendron Mystery: Continue making blocks as leaders and enders. 

I'm hoping to at least get all the blocks finished for last year's Bonnie Hunter mystery before this year's starts up. I'll come close, but I'm not sure I'll get all four of these hourglass blocks all done.   

That's my list for this week.  Good luck with your to do list this week.  


  1. I hear you on it being more fun to sit at the sewing machine and stitch up blocks than it is to prep a backing! I have the same issue. Every stitch is a step in the right direction, though! Good luck on this week's list!

  2. Your mojo may not be back 100% but your projects are as beautiful as ever. Thank you for joining with us at To Do Tuesday!

  3. The Burgundy is going to make for a rich and striking quilt. I really love exploring using alternative background colors and it's fun to see you enjoying it with your Macaroon Mystery quilt. I hope you have another great week!

  4. Hi Kate! Maybe your mojo and mine were hanging out together, threatening to never come back?!! I say, if you're not feeling like worrying about a backing, don't do it. The quilt police will give you a pass once you explain about the mojo thing. You can blame it all on me! Good luck with this week's list. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I think 3 out of 4 is great progress!!

  6. Progress! Hoping you'll have some more this week, Kate.

  7. Glad the mojo is returning. I think it's a good idea to go with what you're enjoying so stitch away! Prepping backing is never my favorite part. Most of the time I dive in quickly before I can even think that I don't want to do it but sometimes it does drag out.

  8. Oh yes, preparing backing is something that is not my favorite part also, Kate, but for me is easier than sanduich a big quilt. So glad you have progress and your mojo returned, keep stitching. Good luck with your goal list for this week. Hugs

  9. Boy can I relate to the comment it is easier to just sit at the sewing machine and stitch. I now have a total of 7 quilts that need to be quilted. I haven't figured out how to get myself out of this rut. But sure is nice to hear other people have the same problem.

    I have found myself steering away from mystery sewalongs, not that I don't have a few on my WIP list. I have decided I prefer to know the end result before I start, so big KUDOS to you for being so brave!!!!!

    Good luck on this week's list.


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