
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Stitching Stuff: Week 42 of 2022


It's been a rough week for me. The company I work for has been undergoing major restructuring over the last year. As part of that process my position was eliminated this week. It wasn't a complete surprise, I've been around long enough to read the tea leaves.  Even so, it hurts a bit and it will take me some time to adjust. My Guy has been really supportive. He's encouraging me to take some time and decide what I really want to do. I can retire, but not sure I'm ready for that. I'm lucky, there are many options for me to choose from. I'm going to follow My Guy's suggestion and take some time to figure out what's next.    

It was really stressful early in the week and the sewing room just didn't appeal.  So this week's metrics aren't so hot. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 4/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Oct = 18/29 days
  • 15 minute days/2022 = 158/302 days
  • Success rate = 52.32%
Getting into the sewing room every day still hasn't become the habit it was.  I'm OK with that.  My stitching time has been slowly increasing since August. My success rate was only 32% in August (but that was up from 0% in July). I should finish October with a success rate of over 60% for the month. So I'm slowly getting back on track.

In spite of the dry conditions and the sudden freeze, we did finally get some beautiful fall foliage in parts of town.

One bright spot in the current situation, I've had more time to get out with my camera and walk.  

So how did your stitchy week work out?  


1. Gretchen
2. Karen
3. Ivani
4. Julie in GA
5. maggie f
6. DonnaleeQ
7. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
8. Quilting Gail
9. amanda
10. Stitching Loving Nana :)
11. Frederique
12. Andre at Quilting and Learning
13. DawnyK
14. Andre at Quilting and Learning

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  1. Sorry about your job, you've given them a lot of work and effort over the years. Do take some time to heal and decide what is next. You can spend extra sewing as you mull over your decision.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this - you put in so much time - I'm not sure what you did but good luck finding a new position if you wish - maybe you can find something totally different that would suit you? Love the trail and the trees you show

  3. That's a bummer about your job. It would smart no matter how much you might have anticipated it. I'll be pulling for you to find your "jam". I'm envious of your pretty fall foliage. We have just a few trees starting to show a little color here in north Texas.

  4. That must have been quite a blow about your job, even if you were somewhat expecting it. I can't imagine how they will cover your position after all your stories about extremely long hours. Enjoy the break, and good luck figuring out what comes next.
    Your fall photos are gorgeous! I never seem to have much luck capturing the fall colors.

  5. sorry to hear about your job - I figure things out when I am sewing:)

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that news, Kate! I can imagine that is tough to swallow even if you knew it was coming. You got some beautiful photos of the fall leaves - I hope that soothed your soul a bit. Hugs!

  7. I've learned things happen for a reason. Take your time to find your new calling.

  8. I am so sorry this week was not so pleasant . I agree take time for yourself and find your calling. Have a blessed weekend.

  9. So sorry about your job; that's a tough situation to be in, and yes, it does hurt. Been there, so I understand. I'm glad you're taking some time to reassess what you want to do and where you want to go from here. Meanwhile, I hope you get your quilting mojo back and that quilting helps you work through the situation. Best wishes.

  10. Oh Kate, I am so sorry about your job. As it is said, when a window closes, God opens a door. Take it easy so you can decide the next steps. Thank you for those gorgeous photos. Have a blessed week.

  11. I could throw out lots of cliches, but I won't. Your guy gave you wise advice. Take some time to reevaluate the situation. Hopefully, once the initial shock has faded, you'll be ready to get in the studio and calm yourself with some sewing.

  12. I'm so sorry about your job! Too many companies choose to eliminate the long time experienced employees for the cheaper young inexperienced ones. Doesn't seem right at all.

  13. I'm sorry about the job. Take time a reassess, I'm sure someone with your job experience and life skills will find something when you are ready.

  14. I too am sorry to hear about your job. But I know it's a cliche but when one door closes... I know in my case that really worked out, another and better door opened. But good luck with whatever you decide. As you say, you can relax and take the time to figure out the next step.

  15. Tough week indeed, I'm so sorry for your job, and I hope you will find a new one that suits you. Enjoy your free time by now ;)

  16. Hi Kate, good luck with whatever you choose. It's not easy starting over. I'm finally in my first week of retirement. Since I'm still under the weather, it doesn't feel like retirement yet - but it is nice to wake up late and do what I want, without calling in sick :-) Take care. I hope that the stitching will help you relax and figure out what's next.

  17. Oh man Kate, that stinks. Sorry that your job was eliminated - hope that you got a good severance package. My dad tried to retire twice before it stuck the third time - he just wasn’t quite ready the first two times. Hope you figure out what works best for you and most of all, hope that the extra time gives you a chance to rest for a while. And those trees are gorgeous, ours are all dropping their leaves here.

  18. I am so far behind! I apologize that I missed this important piece of news. I hope you are able to rest and sew to your heart’s content (and clean, I see!) to make up for so many years of late hours and long weeks.


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