
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

To Do Tuesday for 4/20/2021

It was such a pretty day yesterday, all the way up to 70 F.  Hard to believe we have more than a 80% chance of snow today.  It's been a very atypical spring weather wise, much cooler and wetter than normal. That's been good for my to do list. It's much nicer to play with thread and fabric in the sewing room than to brave the elements and tackle some much needed yard work.  

Weekly To Do List for 4/13/2021
  • Morewood Mystery: Finish sewing blocks together
  • Cabins and Fans: Start assembling blocks 
  • Unity: Make HSTS for clue 6 as leader and enders 

The big accomplishment was getting Morewood all stitched together.  I forget how time consuming pinning and stitching rows together can be.  This week's list doesn't look much different. 

Weekly To Do List for 4/20/2021

Morewood Mystery: Add borders

Just one more long strip and the first border will be done. So just three more to go. Borders always take longer than I plan for, but hopefully I can get the next three added this week.  

Cabins and Fans: Continue assembling the blocks. 

The papers have to be removed from each fan to add the sashing pieces. I'm doing that as I assemble. Sitting and taking all the papers off before I start just didn't appeal.  Since I've been focusing on getting Morewood finished, I didn't get very far on the assembly. To be fair I needed to confirm the measurements for all the sashing pieces before I could start cutting those. There are half blocks that need sashing too, so my quilt math got a bit of a work out before assembly actually started.  

Unity: Continue making HSTs for step 6 as leader and enders

Before I can make any more HSTs or blocks, I needed to cut a few more pieces.  I'm on border three of four for step 7.  There are still a lot of HSTs to be made.  At this rate, Unity is likely to be my leaders and enders project for most of the year. 

That's my stitching plan for the week.  Linking up with ChrisKnits for To Do Tuesday.  Good luck with your to do list for the week.


  1. I am doubtful that we would be getting any snow but we are in for a freeze/frost and might be sitting at 30 for several hours in the morning - I will be busy covering things up this afternoon to get ready

  2. Sitting here watching it snow. I love snow but not NOW! Supposed to be back up to fun warm temps by the weekend though so hanging on to that!

  3. You'll have Morewood finished before you know it. I have a big quilt needing borders too but I keep changing my mind about how those borders might look. The pattern has a pieced border with 300+ tiny flying geese. It would look great, but I don't think I have the patience to do that. And that is why the quilt top is folded over a hanger in the closet - waiting.

  4. We have cold weather here today, and we had just a few flakes coming down yesterday. So ready for warm spring weather! Pinning and piecing is time consuming, but I'm confident you'll have it done soon! It's looking really good!

  5. You did great with your goals for last week.

  6. I do love your Morewood quilt! Borders always take me longer than I anticipate too. Your weather is similar to ours. Yesterday was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and pretty warm, 15C. Today we've been dropping all day, (currently just 2!!) and as I type I see what looks frighteningly like white stuff fluttering around, ugh! I hope all our blossoming trees like magnolias and pears and more will be okay :-( Supposed to be only one day of nastiness.

  7. Yay for Morewood!

    You are moving quickly on your goals. I wish I could say the same. Did you get any of that snow yesterday? That always makes me want to huddle in the sewing area.

  8. Looks like you are making progress! Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!


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