
Thursday, November 26, 2020

November One Monthly Goal Complete

Usually we spend the week of Thanksgiving with My Guy's family. Like so many other families this year, we didn't go see extended family and they didn't come see us.  It was just the My Guy, the Scientist in Training and me at dinner todayWe've spent the week at home doing stuff around the house in the mornings, but that's left the afternoons and evenings pretty free for some extra stitching time.  Enough extra time that I was able to get my November One Monthly Goal finished up. 

This month's goal was to get Daisy Chain prepped and shipped out to Trudy for quilting.  The back was prepped last week. 

Most of Tuesday afternoon was spent removing loose threads from the back of the quilt and giving it a good pressing.  

The prepped top and backing was packed up on Wednesday. 

It was mailed Wednesday when I was out making our last run to the grocery store to get a few things we forgot for today's Thanksgiving feast.  Hopefully Trudy has enough time to quilt it and send it back before the Christmas holiday. Daisy Chain will likely be the last finish for 2020. 

Linking up with Elm Street Quilt's end of November OMG


  1. Ooh, very nice! I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)

  2. Always good to get the quilting prep done. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving despite the small gathering!

  3. Nice. Looking forward to seeing what Trudy does with it.

  4. Well done! Congrats on making your One Monthly Goal. Can't wait to see the quilting. Fingers crossed that it's done for Christmas.

  5. Can't wait to see this done, it's been a favorite since you started it.

  6. Great that you had time this week to get it finished up!

  7. I love that backing! You have had a great year for finishes.

  8. Very nice! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!


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