
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Weekly To Do List for 4/7/2020

The working from home thing is starting to become a bit more normal.  Though I'm spending more time in video conferences than meetings during a typical week in the office.  It's a lot harder to end the day since I'm already home.  So I'm still struggling to do much more than my 15 minutes of stitching time each evening. By the time we finish up, go for an evening walk and eat dinner, there's just not much energy for stitching.  Though I can't really blame that for the lack of progress on last week's to do list.  The need to make a few face masks for the family and friends took over the bulk of my stitching time this weekend.  Just how badly did that affect the to do list? 

Weekly To Do List 03/31/2020
Twinkle Stars: Finish Binding
Mosaic Mystery:  Add 4th border - no progress
Frolic:  Make 2 lt blue blocks, continue quilt assembly - progress
Unity: Pick out fabrics, make center block - abandoned

Twinkle Stars was finished last week. That alone made my week.  I made some good progress on Frolic.  Progress on Mosaic Mystery fell victim to my face mask sewing.  I did demo some fabrics for Unity, but in the end decided it just didn't fit in with my goal to work on finishes this year. I'll save the pdf files as they come out. Maybe I'll decide to make that later this year once I get a few quilts off the UFO list.  

So what's the plan for this week? 

Weekly To Do List for 04/06/2020

Winter Quilt Along:  trim excess batting, make binding

That should be doable as this is only a 4 day work week since we have Good Friday off. 

Frolic:  Finish 2 lt. blue blocks, assemble rows

This is the progress on the two blocks from last week's list.  The first is almost finished. There is still quite a bit of assembly needed for the second block. 

Mosaic Mystery:  Add the final border. Hopefully I'll have better luck this week on getting this to do item checked off. 

So that's my list for this week. You can check out all the other lists over at To Do Tuesday hosted by Home Sewn by Us.  


  1. Best of luck on this week's To Do list, Kate!!

  2. working on face masks yesterday seemed to suck the life out of me - I hate them or is it the reason behind the mask!

  3. Good luck on your to-do's. Hope you find a little more time for sewing. Once I start dinner, the evening flies and next thing I know it's 11pm--way past my bedtime. Where is time going lately?

  4. Hi Kate! Now that Twinkle is all complete, what is your plan for it? I hope you share a photo of it soon - I'd love to see how it's quilted and what binding you chose, etc. I forgot this is a four-day work week. Woohoo! Good luck on this week's list and thanks for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. looks like progress is happening -

  6. I'm looking forward to seeing Twinkle Stars all done! If progress on other things just comes in bits and pieces, it's still progress, right?!

  7. Good luck on your weekly goals! I am making masks here and there, trying different patterns. and today made my first. head cover. But I am falling behind in finishing all my QAL blocks!

  8. Sounds like a good list! Hope you have some time today and over the weekend to check them all off!

  9. It's amazing how much you get done and work full time. I'm looking forward to seeing Twinkle Stars all finished. It'll be amazing. Good luck with your goals. I have to tell myself to not start anything since I have a slew of UFOs and unquilted tops waiting to be finished. But the fabrics call my name. Especially some cute 1 yard pieces I bought last year! Sigh. And I'm retired.


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