
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!


  1. And to you.
    I have had a very happy Easter, playing with off cuts.

  2. Happy Easter to you and your family! I love the photos of all the lovely spring blooms. That has been one of the few good things about staying home for the past 4 weeks--our daily walks have really let us enjoy the beauty of spring in our neighborhood.

  3. Happy Easter. Lucky you living where things are blooming.

  4. Happy Easter and gorgeous flowers. We have had a mixed bag of weather 1 day of drizzle, 1 day of overcast and 2 days of glorious weather. Today is truly lovely and I've sat on the swing seat and stitched some registration marks into a piece of linen that I plan some applique on probably using my liberty stash, this will be a long term project something to stitch when I feel the whim. Haven't been for a walk today must do that soon but might wait to a cooler part of the afternoon.


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