
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week 11 of 2020: Stitching Stuff

It's been a weird week at work. Unfortunately, that's likely to continue for a few weeks till the spread of  Covid-19 slows down.  Most meetings  have been moved to remote access to limit the number of people in the same room and business travel is restricted.  We're not working from home as yet, but that may be coming.  But so far all the weirdness is not impacting my ability to work in 15 minutes of stitching time. 

This week was really good on the stitching front. 

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/March = 13/14 days
15 minute days/2020 = 66/74 days
Success rate = 89.19%

Having my embroidery project handy has been helpful.  I've pulled it out a couple of nights when we got home late and put in 15 minutes of stitches just before bed.  

It doesn't look like a lot of progress, embroidery for me really is slow stitching.  But it's very soothing and relaxing, so it's been nice way to end some of the more stressful work days this week.  Linking up with Kathy's Quilts' Slow Stitching Sunday.  

So how has your stitchy week gone? Are you practicing social distancing and hanging out more in your sewing room?  Link up and share how well you've done at working in 15 minutes of stress reducing stitching time.  

1. Chrisknits
2. karen
3. Julie in GA
4. Marti
5. Meloney
6. Quilting Gail
7. Carol Andrews
8. Angie in SoCal
9. DawnyK
10. Amanda
11. Deana
12. Shasta @ High Road Quilter
13. Loulee

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Glad you're finally feeling better. We should all have plenty of time to stitch. Everything is either cancelled or closed.

  2. Good job on sticking to your 15 minutes even if it is prior to bed time. I am a fan of pre-printed cross stitch. Less strain on the eyes. I've been doing double duty staying home as I'm recovering from a procedure.

  3. takes awhile to feel better - every stitch taken goes towards getting a project done so even it if it is 5 minutes or 15 you will make progress

  4. It’s a weird world right now. My son and DIL have both been instructed to work from home, which suits them just fine, thank you.

  5. I like your project! There are all sorts of things changing... its a lot to adjust to - so glad you can still get your time in... it probably relaxes you and makes your mind settle down. ( well it does for me at least!)

  6. So thankful to have my slow stitching especially in today's world. It's nice to sit and stitch if only for a few minutes each day. We are doing our part at our house. I just hope everyone else helps and don't get to crazy about what is going on.

  7. As of a few minutes ago, I am out of work at my day job for at least two weeks. I will be home, planning online lectures for my night-time university class and crafting. Life is changing, but at least now I can limit where I go and who I see so I can help take care of my mom.

  8. I forgot to add that your stitching is looking wonderful. It is amazing how much can be accomplished in just 15 minutes.

  9. Your embroidery work looks so good! Glad y'all are taking precautions. Nice numbers for this week!!! :)

  10. I like your new banner! I went to Walmart Friday afternoon which was NOT keeping any distance from people. However, if I heard someone cough, I turned around and went the opposite direction. Hopefully, the virus will slow down soon with warm weather coming.

  11. I love the idea of 15 minutes of soothing stitching a day!
    I do hope you get to work from home as much as possible and stay well!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  12. BioGirl was in town so we hung out in my sewing room, and since she was in my goof off chair I had to sit in my do stuff chair! LOL. This week I plan to get some quilting done and go out in public, cue the screams. I am not at risk, no one in my home is at risk, our immediate area has had 1 case, no fatalities. I practiced good hygiene when in public long before this hit, I don't plan to stop now.

  13. Your stitches on the butterfly are perfect. I love that you did the statistic of how often you can get your 15 minutes in per day, week, month and year. That's a fun stat!

  14. Love that big, beautiful, cross stitch butterfly!

  15. Everything got serious pretty quickly down here, it was starting to get scary on Friday. By Monday I am being unofficially told to work from home. Today I was told we are working from home indefinitely and the hubby sent me a text to say he is too. Schools are still open but that may change if cases are found in state run schools, Mo's trips been moved til later in the year but I wouldn't care if it was cancelled.

  16. I am starting week 3 of working from home tomorrow- I won’t lie, it has been tough, but glad to do it if it keeps others healthy. I haven’t been able to convert much time to sewing but I am enjoying the commute ;)


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