
Monday, March 16, 2020

Just A Bit of Stitching Stuff

I'm not really ready to head back to work this morning, so maybe it's good I'm working from home a bit this morning.  We are trying out remote access options in case we have to use them in the coming weeks.  It's been nice to take refuge in the sewing room, turn on Netflix and just get away from all the other madness on TV this weekend.

I've done more hand work this week than playing on the sewing machine.  But I managed enough to finish the binding for Twinkle Stars. 

I love the rainbow colors.  It's all ready to stitch on. Now I just need to get the Scientist in Training to give me the message for her writing buddy so I can finish the label.  She promised me that she'd have that tonight. 

The second border for Mosaic Mystery has been added. 

Mosaic Mystery Quilt from Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs

The next butterfly print border is all assembled and the two side borders are cut to size.  So there's progress, it's just been a bit slow. 

Linking up with the usual Monday show and tell linkys. You should check out what's going on over at Monday Making, Monday Design Wall and Main Crush Monday.  


  1. Your rainbow binding makes me so very happy! I can't wait to see it on the Twinkle Stars quilt.

  2. I love your new page header too--perfect for spring!

  3. Hoping you get remote work figured out. Hubsters is already commanded to work from home, so he went to get his computer and monitors yesterday. Good think we have a bonus room upstairs that he can make his command center. LOL I am sure the dogs will be quite confused as to why he is here. I am just praying we survive this togetherness!

  4. That rainbow binding for Twinkle Stars is going to be wonderful, Kate - so pretty and full of color! Glad you have been able to move along those borders, too.

  5. The rainbow binding looks so happy and the Mosaic Mystery quilt is finishing up beautifully. My husband tested working remotely with his company last week and is home full time now. Interesting times. Stay healthy and safe!

  6. Thankfully we have the technology that allows many people to work and learn from home. Hopefully it will minimize the spread of the virus to some degree. I love the tube of rainbow binding. It's a perfect picture for our dreary rainy day here!

  7. The binding looks fantastic. I’m anxious to see it on the quilt. My son and DIL are working from home “until further notice” according to their employer. That suits them fine.

  8. Nice progress, Kate!! Best of luck with matching up the binding colors with the colors of the quilt edge.

  9. Fun to see the rainbow all coiled up like that! I really like your new blog header, too :)

  10. That binding is so pretty! I like your flowers in pots in the new header!

  11. No doubt the rainbow binding was a big job but it is going to look terrific on the quilt. It makes me smile and we need all the smiles we can get these days.

  12. Love how you wrapped up your binding! Great progress in the midst of this craziness!


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