
Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week 39 of 2019: Stitching Stuff

Autumn is here, but it isn't.  Our temps haven't gone down much and everything is still green, so it certainly doesn't look like fall here.  It's still mostly summer.  While others in the US are looking at lots of snow soon.  It's been a weird year weather wise.  The warmer weather has affected my stitching time, we are have lots more yard work then we normally would this time of year.  How are you doing at balancing the freaky weather with your stitching time?  

I've been able to get in my 15 minutes fairly easily. The yard work has impacted the amount of stitching time on the weekends but I'm still able to work in at least 15 minutes. So that doesn't show in my weekly numbers. 

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/Sept = 21/21 days
15 minute days/2019 = 243/271
Success rate = 89.67%

I'm almost back up to 90%, which was my goal for the year.  We'll see if I can actually make it. 

Though I've been doing a bit of stitching, I've used up so little stash that it just doesn't make sense to put out a stash report this week. At least there's nothing coming in this week. 

I don't know if it's the warmer weather or if it's just the right time of year, but our orchids are blooming again. 

I love that deep purple color.  

How did your stitchy week work out?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. Jocelyn and her Pesky Dresden Circles :)
4. Meloney
5. Shasta @ High Road Quilter
6. DawnyK
7. Amanda

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  1. The weather here is still definitely more like summer than fall. Our forecast is still over 90 degrees for most of next week.
    Gorgeous orchids!

  2. Here in southern Ontario, summer like weather hanging on and I am loving it. Meanwhile, beautiful photo with such a beautifully coloured orchid. Enjoy.

  3. Our weather has been cooler this year than recent years. I have loved this mild summer!! But we are in our usually warm to cool to warm again pattern, so this week, back to AC!

  4. What a beautiful orchid! The weather is certainly turning in endless summer here. But it is supposed to drop into the 80's by next weekend, so I'm looking forward to that. It does make me wonder what kind of winter we will have. One forecast said mild winter and I don't doubt it. I hope we get at least one good freeze to take care of some grasshoppers, but it doesn't look likely.

    I actually got in some sewing this week, 3 days. It wasn't quilting though, just maintenance, so not worth reporting.

  5. I'm getting used to the climate in FL so it doesn't feel like the old September anymore from all my years between NJ & VA. What a lovely orchid.

  6. Lovely orchid. We have a week of good spring weather and even summer temps this week to look forward to before a change. My husband took the pool cover off this week to see how much he would have to do and was pleasantly surprised for a change no algae blooms and not really all that dirty so it might get used soon.


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