
Monday, May 21, 2018

Odds and Ends From One of Those Weeks

Do you ever wake up on Monday and wonder what happened to the weekend?  Or for that matter what happened to all of last week?  I've been pretty much AWOL from my personal computer as I seemed to be stuck like glue to the work computer the last week.  It's mid-year review season at work, couple with with the need to wrap up some projects and it's just been completely insane.  So there hasn't been a lot of responding to email and blog reading the last week, so I hope you'll forgive me for being so far behind.  I will catch up eventually.  

The sewing room hasn't seen too much of me the last week either, so there's not much progress there. I did find a few minutes here and there to contemplate the final borders for Vintage Dresses.  I think I'm about there.  Now to decide on the final color, pink or blue. 

 Vintage Dresses blocks by Charise Randell, Setting by Kate

I may change the corners so the colored borders better mimic the frames around each block. It's a lot of borders, but I like the 3-D effect you get by moving from lighter to darker from the center of the quilt.  Now that I've got a plan, hopefully there will be some time in the sewing room soon to see if I've got the fabrics to make either one of these color schemes work. 

The Scientist in Training has been home for just a little bit over a week.  She hadn't seen the final version of the her Geek Chic quilt.  To say she loves it is a bit of an understatement, it's become her go to quilt for relaxing.  

 Yes, the SIT has been treating herself to massive doses of Pokeman on the DS and while binge watching Netflix.  It's OK, she made A's in everything but calculus.  (There have been a few breaks for laundry, doing dishes and volunteering at the local animal shelter.)  

I never shared the final name for what's been called around the house as the SITs chem quilt.  Here's the label, minus Mom's message. 

She loves it.  That's the best thank you. 

Linking up with:
Main Crush Monday
Monday Making
Monday Design Wall


  1. Love your ideas for the dress borders! I couldn't choose a favorite color - but maybe knowing who the recipient is going to be will help you decide!

  2. Love the dresses border, I think the blue reads better. Isn't it wonderful to have her cherish your gift!!!

  3. I also like the blue borders slightly better -- but maybe it's that I like that the three shades of blue are very different than one another! Way to go SIT! I liked calculus a lot better than physics when I was in school (ten years ago!)

  4. You can't go wrong with either of the borders. So pretty! I think I favor the blue as well with those fabrics. It keeps the attention on the center of the quilt.

  5. The dresses are a delight. I prefer the blue. Congratulations to your honor roll SIT! (Nifty label, too.)

  6. I also think the blue is a better fit for the dresses--the pink is too bright and takes away from the dresses--where as the blue adds to the look and frames all those pretty dresses perfectly--(and you know how I love pink!!! but blue this time works !!!)
    and yes the SIT lady deserves some rest and play time--
    have a good week at work--and the sewing room--enjoy, di

  7. I love that she loves it! Seeing her snuggled up underneath it is just fantastic. Great job!

  8. Blue is calming, pink feels electrifying! Go pink! A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  9. I like either color for the borders on your Vintage Dresses, but the blue is my favorite. I also think changing the corners to mimic the block framing is a great idea!
    So fun to see your girl enjoying her quilt!

  10. Lol I love the blue too as it really accents the dresses well, hello to SIT....yes when they love our quilts that IS the best!!!!!!

  11. I like the blue border best. It brings out the colors in the dresses without competing with them.

    Congratulations on a good year to SIT.

  12. Great borders and I like the movement changing border colors creates. It’s great to see your daughter snuggled up in her quilt!

  13. I keep bouncing back and forth between the pink and the blue, and I can't decide which I like better. I DO know that I love the 3-D effect though. Glad your daughter loves her quilt. I knew she would.

  14. Oh the borders!! I thought you were making two different quilts -whatever you choose will look great. And yay for the SIT - Congrats on a great year!!


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