
Monday, February 5, 2018

Weekend Stitching - A Bit of This and That

This was a good weekend to stay in and just sew. It was cold and windy, so I avoided leaving the house unless absolutely necessary.  Unfortunately most of Sunday afternoon was spent on the work computer writing a report rather than stitching. So I had to settle for just a couple hours of stitching Sunday evening as a reward for finishing off the report. 

Even with the abbreviated sewing time this weekend, one of February's priorities was finished up on Saturday. 

All the magenta fans are done.  These are the last blocks needed for my 2017 Rainbow Scrap Project.  I had already pulled and paired the fabrics for this set back in November, so I didn't want to just put the fabrics up and forget what went with which.  This project is my October UFO, so these blocks will back on the design wall then.  

Progress was also made on the February One Monthly Goal.

 Magnolia Mystery by Cheryl Brickey of
Meadow Mist Designs
What reads dark brown/black in the photo is actually a very dark magenta.  Three different fabrics were used for those squares. I picked well, because you certainly can't tell that from the photo. Not sure this is going to be a finished flimsy by the 15th, which is the deadline for the parade of quilts over at Meadow Mist Designs.  I've got one more weekend before the deadline, so it's still possible.  

Work will continue to be really busy this week.  So I expect homework just about every night.  Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in my 15 minutes each evening, but that may be about it for sewing during the week. 

Linking up with:
BOMs Away
Monday Making
Main Crush Monday
Monday Design Wall   


  1. I frequently reward myself with a little sewing time. Knowing I can do that gives me incentive to finish the task at hand.

  2. Um, you have your monthly OMG projects planned ahead to October?? You are the MOST organized person I know Kate! Could you breathe my way and maybe I can catch some of that organizational bug. LOL I love those fan blocks. They are going to look fantastic in a rainbow quilt! I hope you get to make progress on your February goal. It sure is a pretty quilt!

  3. I love all of those magenta blocks and I am excited to see that quilt start coming together. :D

  4. You have such great projects. The purple blocks are so cool

  5. You can do it! You need to be in the parade!
    (no pressure!)

  6. Looks like you're making progress on more than one quilt, even if it is just a little bit at a time. Your magenta blocks are so pretty! I like the design of the Magnolia mystery, too. it's going to be a beautiful quilt!

  7. Sounds like you are doing great. Love the bright quilt.

  8. Magnolia Mystery is amazing! Your color choices make me think of zinnias :)

  9. I agree that your Magnolia quilt is amazing! I love the colors. I have my top done, but won't have it quilted and finished by the 15th. Ah well. They're still ours to enjoy, right?!

  10. Your goals are getting met—so nice that they involve quilting daily. Hope the office work is minimal this week.

  11. This will be gorgeous when its complete, cant wait.

  12. The photo of the fans is sooo 'yummy' looking-love the colors!!
    And it might be a tight finish for the 15th--but if it can be done--
    you will do it I am sure!! Good luck at work this week and my the work get done faster than you think!!
    enjoy, di

  13. Looks like it is all coming together. Lovely mystery blocks.

  14. Great progress! Your mystery quilt is coming together very nicely, you can make the deadline!

  15. Those magenta fans are gorgeous! You are making good progress. What a nice reward for getting the project done.

  16. I love those magenta fan blocks! Can't wait to see your 2017 RSC quilt. I remember when you were planning it!

  17. Your fans are beautiful. It's been fun watching you work on them. The February OMG is pretty, too. Can't wait to see a photo later when we can see the magenta. I bet those colors look great together.

  18. Congrats! on getting your PURPLE blocks done for the RSC. That background for your Magnolia Mystery is SEW sweet!!

  19. Kate, your purple and magenta fan blocks are absolutely gorgeous! I'm eager to see your Magnolia all together - I love your floral background in it.


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