
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Week 6 of 2018: Stitching and De-stashing

Sorry the 15 Minutes to Stitch linky party is a bit late this morning. 

It's been a long, stressful week and my brain needed the extra z's this morning.  All three work reports are done and turned in.  I'm sure there will be a few more edits, but I can cope with those on Monday.  This morning, I'm going to hang out with the Scientist in Training once she wakes up.  She heads back to college after lunch.  Then I'm going to sew this afternoon as a reward for working pretty much all day yesterday.  

First the stash report.  There was a little bit of stash going out this week.

Fabric used this week:  0.27 yards
Fabric used in 2018:  8.62 yards
Fabric purchased in 2018:  0 yards
Net fabric out for 2018:  8.35 yards

I'm still deleting all the fabric shop emails unread.  Thankfully it's been both too busy and too cold to venture out to the quilt shop, so it's been easy to avoid buying fabric so far this year. I'll be linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for this week's stash report.  

Finding time to stitch this week didn't go so hot.  The new position I took on last June requires a lot more paperwork than my previous position and a lot of that spills over into my evenings.  The hard deadlines coming up meant that sewing lost out to stitching time a couple of times this week.

Days with stitching this week: 5 out of 7 days (Sunday to Saturday)
Days with stitching this month: 7 out of 10 days
Days with stitching this year:  38 out of 41 days
Success Rate:  92.7%

No stitching happened Thursday or yesterday. The SIT spent most of yesterday afternoon in Tulsa shopping with friends, so I didn't feel too badly about having to work.  I didn't get finished with work till just before we went out for dinner, then I wanted to spend the rest of the evening hanging out with her and her friend she's going to share an apartment with next fall.  So no stitching happened.  I'll make up for it today.  

Hopefully you did better than I did at finding time to stitch this week.  You can link up how your crafty week went below.

1. Melissa G
2. Julie in GA
3. Meloney
4. MartiDIY
5. Mary-Kay
6. Shasta
7. di
8. Christina's Handicrafts
9. maggie f
10. Aileen K

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  1. I can relate to the new job woes. Just a slight change in my job description at the start of the school year made a huge difference in the responsibilities and time working at home.
    It is so important to enjoy what time we can with our college kids. E was home this weekend for her sister's birthday and it was so nice to have all the girls together again even if only for a weekend.

  2. Sometimes the job overrides everything else. At one time or another, it happens to all of us. You're still using fabric though.

  3. It still seems you are kicking it! Glad you got to spend time with SIT. Our youngest came over to hang on Friday with her husky pup, a joy to spend time with them both. But with my 2 dogs and my sister's 2 dogs visiting, it was pandemonium for a bit! LOL

  4. Sounds like you have your priorities in order. A visiting daughter trumps sewing any day. You are doing so well keeping your stash from growing. Have a good week.

  5. It is good that you are keeping your focus on your family. My daughter lives in another state now, so I have more free time! Hopefully things at work will ease up so you have more time to stitch and enjoy life.

  6. Family is far more important than stitching--unless stitching is your full time job and you are behind on an order--but then--I think I would still have to say Family is more important!!!!
    enjoy, di

  7. So glad you had a fun visit!
    Only two stitching days last week, but still super fun! Date night Wednesday, a friend and I saw Jim Gaffigan's Fixer Upper comedy show Thursday, a school night no less. Exhausted Friday and Saturday. Valentine's Day celebrations yesterday, Snow Day today.

  8. Ha! Deleting all of the fabric store emails unread is one way to combat stash enhancement. I'm am so in the mood to enhance my stash... but I've remained strong for the last 2 and a half months. But today's Fat Quarter Shop's special is calling my name and I NEVER buy 10" square packs. EVER. I'm hoping I don't succumb although I actually plan to buy fabric next Friday at a big regional quilt show next week. We'll see if I do succumb.


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