
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Stash Stuff for Week 50 of 2017

Christmas Eve is a week from today!  New Year's Eve is two weeks from today!  So the year is winding down fast.  Supposedly, I'm on vacation till January 2nd, but one of the downsides to going back to supervision is that you aren't really ever completely off work.  At some point today I'll have to log onto the work computer to deal with a last minute assignment and the normal weekly reports.  But at least I can do that at home in my pjs if I so choose. 

This week definitely saw more productivity in the sewing room than last week.  I managed 6 out of 7 days.  That's pretty amazing considering the one day lost to a stomach bug and the two evenings spent being an editor for the Scientist in Training.  One of her finals was a report.  Since part of my job entails editing technical papers, she asked for help as the Writing Lab where she usually goes to have her papers reviewed was closed during finals week.  Speaking of finals, the SIT finished her last one Friday afternoon and managed to get home in time for dinner that evening.  She'll be around till January 15th.  We've got plans for shopping and just messing around time while she's home.  

Since there was more sewing time this week, there was actually a bit going out of the stash.  

Used last week:  1.68 yards
Used year to date:  56.60 yards

I'm way under my goal for the year.  I doubt that I completely get to 75 yards out, but hopefully I can get to 60 yards out before January 1.  

I certainly don't lack for projects. 

There's a lot of pieces stacked up in front of the sewing machine.  You can see lots of pieces for On Ringo Lake ready for more stitching.  There's also pieces there for another fan block, a twinkle star block and parts for the Magnolia Mystery quilt.  That little purple sticky on the machine shows this month's priority list.  

I started making a priority list and posting it at the machine so I could stay focused on both my One Monthly Goal and those quilts on the 2017 Finish Along list .  But now there are 8 in progress projects on that list.  From past experience, I can really only effectively work on 3 to 4 at a time.  So I really need to pare the list down.  En Provence just needs a back pieced.  So that should stay on the list.  Vintage Dresses is the leaders and enders project, so it should stay on the list.  If I'm going to finish Geek Chic in time for the SIT's birthday it needs to stay on the list.  Making those 4 Twinkle star blocks is this month's OMG, so it needs to stay on the list.  The last clue for the Magnolia Mystery is out.  I'd really like to keep up with that quilt along.  That pares the list down to 5 WIPS.  As hard as it will be to put up the other projects, it will make the ones left on the list go much faster.

Work, holiday prep, and family time has taken a big bite out of my computer time.  I'm way behind on emails and blog reading. I'm hoping to play catch up some this week.  I hate it when that happens, I really miss keeping up with everyone.  Unfortunately that's how life works sometimes, there just are not enough hours in a day for all I'd like to get done.  

Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report.  


  1. It IS a long list. I can only focus on one sewing thing at a time, with a hand work project on the side. If I finish three things a month, I'm doing good.

  2. Sometimes I have to have more on my list than I can do just to stop being bored. I find that I like one big focus and then a leader/ender for the other focus. I might change either one of those when I need to.
    good luck

  3. Hi Kate....sounds like you are making great progress and having fun doing so! I think we all fall behind in some area around this time of worries....enjoy your time with SIT!!!

  4. The secret for keeping up is--no sleep--or hire someone else to do part of your work--you know like cleaning and cooking!!!
    Your pared down list sounds good to me--
    say "hi" to the SIT for me--and that I am glad her finals are done --for now!!!
    enjoy the moments, di

  5. You're a busy gal, even if some of it is happening in your pj's :) Looks like you have a really nice mix of projects going on, different designs and color schemes and stages of completion. Before you know it, they'll be done!

  6. 60 yards out is no small accomplishment. Stay focussed, good idea on the post it...sigh, I don't always follow those lists... Welcome to the way behind club, and I don't know if you noticed, but I don't comment on every single post of yours, and I'm still living to write about it, and I think you're still my friend! So please do the same on my blog, skip a few skip several, all good. :-)

  7. Even with all you have going on, you are extremely productive. I am not a supervisor and I don't get half the stuff done that you do! What is your secret for keeping focused on your goals?

  8. You are working on a nice list of projects, and have been extremely productive. Keeping the list on the sewing machine is a great idea. I might have to try that.

  9. Glad you have the next two week “off” and that your daughter is home for a while too. Love your list- good luck marking things off of it - that’s my favorite part of having a list 😉


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