
Monday, December 18, 2017

Progress on Mysterious Stuff

We had a quiet weekend.  The Scientist in Training and I got in some last minute stocking stuffer shopping.  The tree is up and decorated.  There are even a few presents under it.  Even better, I got in some sewing room time.  Not as much as my usual, but enough to get fabric cut for the On Ringo Lake clue 4. 

There are a few more triangles in progress over at the sewing machine.  I just made two initially to make sure my fabric cutting was accurate and to get a feel for the assembly process. This is the first time I've used Bonnie's Essential Triangle Tool, it worked really well.  Having the flat "corner" to match up with the square really helps with accurate piecing.  

One byproduct of getting the tree up, was that the library got cleaned up, so I had room to photograph the En Provence finished flimsy.  

 En Provence, A Bonnie Hunter Mystery (2016)

I'm happy with how last year's mystery turned out.  It still needs the backing pieced. That probably won't happen till next year.  So En Provence won't be finished until 2018, but at least it's mostly done.

Linking up with 
Bonnie Hunter Mystery Linky party
Monday Design Wall 


  1. I love how the en provence mystery turned out, beautiful!

  2. I made some Ringo Lake blocks yesterday too. I really like the colors on your En Provence mystery.

  3. Ohhh But it is lovely! Love the solid border around it!

  4. Your En Provence is gorgeous! I really like the contrast in your ORL units too!

  5. Awesome En Provence! And I love the bright bold colors of your version of On Ringo Lake.

  6. Congratulations on the finish. That is a gorgeous quilt.

  7. Your En Provence turned out so well! Congrats on getting the flimsy finished!

  8. Congrats on the En Provence finish - it looks great!

  9. En Provence is beautiful! Congrats on having a finished top!

  10. It's so beautiful! And you're pretty reliable about getting them from flimsy to finish, so it'll be a lovely early 2018 finish!

  11. Fantastic! Congratulations on a terrific mystery finish!

  12. Oh Kate En Provence is just such a beauty!! Yay for cleaned up libraries and calendars. :-)

  13. It's a really striking quilt. Can't wait to see it quilted.

  14. Woohoo!! I love the added outer border. I've been thinking about doing that with mine - thanks for the visual!


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