
Monday, February 6, 2017

Weekend Stitching: Playing with Geometry

It was a nice quiet weekend.  We're not football fans so the Super Bowl went unnoticed till Drama Teen turned on the end of the game so she'd know who won.  

The sewing room wasn't lonely this weekend.  Though the time spent in it wasn't all directed to sewing.  After adding a couple of new additions, there was a bit of reorganization that needed to go on.  I did eventually get back to stitching and made some good progress on Geometry. 

All the blue blocks are done and I got a good start on the green HSTs.  All that's left are the yellow HSTs.  So this should be ready to sew together later this week.  Drama Teen really likes this one and thinks her friend will love it. This has been a fun and fast project.  

Linking up with:
Main Crush Monday
Monday Making
Design Wall Monday


  1. This is looking fantastic! The green you're using is one of my favorite shades. :)

  2. I really like your geometry,I just finished a top that I sashed with a black print and really loved it. I have not used a lot of black before.

  3. Oh wow, the geometry quilt just gets better and better. Love all those colors.

  4. Wow! You've gotten so far. I love it.

  5. I'm always amazed at all your progress Kate! This one is going to be a stunner - love it!

  6. THe quilt looks fabulous. So cheerful

  7. You did make great progress, and your quilt is going to be fabulous!

  8. I will never stop loving this quilt! It's definitely my favorite of the four (and I was a journalism major!)

  9. Love how it is coming together!!!

  10. We didn't watch the super bowl, either, but we did have a super bowl party! Love the background fabric on this!

  11. I never liked geometry until I saw your quilt! Striking!

  12. This quilt is really coming along - it's great!

  13. I love the background fabric and have been thinking about adding to my stash but I wasn't sure how well it would work with other fabrics. You made great choices. I love the color combination you used.

  14. You did make good progress! I'm not a football fan either, but Hubby is, and since we live in a tiny place right now, I had to listen to it even if I didn't watch it.


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