
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Stash Report - Week 5 of 2017

We are all glad that last week is over.  Everyone survived the respiratory crud and was healthy going into Friday.  Let's hope it stays that way.  Apparently some type of stomach bug  and the strep are also working their way through the local school systems, so we weren't the only ones at work who missed a few days last week.  

Not much happened in the sewing room early in the week.  I barely managed to get in my 15 minutes those days I was home sick, but I did manage so I'm still 100% on finding time to sew every day this year.  I didn't manage a lot of stitching early in the week and that shows in this week's stash report.  

Used year to date:  11.23 yards
Added year to date:  54.3 yards
Net stashed: 43.07 yards

I'm slowly eating away at those early stash additions.  Thankfully there was nothing new in this week. Actually that's not quite true, there was no new fabric in this week.  There were some updates made to the sewing room.  I've not been very happy with the floor lamp over the cutting table.  It's not very stable and the individual lights don't stay in position like they are supposed to.  So I ordered a second Slimline LED floor lamp for the cutting table. 

I have one of these over my sewing machine and love the light it adds to my dark sewing room.  An added advantage is these LEDs give off light in the natural daylight range, which means if I use them for photography, I don't have to color correct the photos.  The lamp head swivels, so the light can be directed where it's needed.  I used it last night and it really helps light up that dark corner where my cutting table is located.   

The other addition is to help with the organization of projects at the sewing machine.  I tend to work on multiple projects at a time. Right now that list include Geometry, En Provence, the 2017 RSC blocks, and the Meadow Mist Mystery.  I was keeping the block pieces in little bins that sat on the floor by the machine.  But it got to the point that they were creating quite a clutter there on the floor and more than once they got kicked over spilling fabric pieces all over the place. Pottery Barn Teen had a sale on storage bins last week, so I thought why not. If I don't like them Drama Teen can probably use them. 


I don't think I'll be giving up this one.  I've got the teal fabric pulls for this month's RSC block in drawer two and what pieces I've got cut for En Provence in drawer three.  I sewed with this last night and love it.  It keeps everything separate, but right by the machine where I can get to it easily.   The second set of bins is still in the box.  I bought those to help with scrap storage.  I'll get that one assembled this afternoon.  Hopefully I'll like it as well.  

Linking up with Patchwork Times for this week's stash report.   


  1. Glad you're feeling better. I love getting organized, it looks like you've got a great system going now.

  2. Glad everyone is feeling better, nothing worse than being sick. I love the bins you bought, such a great way to keep things organized.

  3. Sooo glad everyone is feeling better--love the look of those storage bins--
    I may need to find something for my bom's to go into--so will keep those in mind--have a great day sewing--
    enjoy the moments,di

  4. Wow, I love the look of those bins/drawers for keeping your WIPS organized. Great light for your cutting table too.
    I'm very glad everyone at your house is feeling better.

  5. I love those storage units. It is good to keep pieces where they belong.

  6. what great additions to the room. I think the bins a stroke of genius. I have the same problem, my solution was too small so still need something

  7. Oh my I love those bins!!! I'm a sucker for anything organizational like that :*). Great find!!!

  8. Glad you're feeling better. Working in a doctor's office is an employment hazard but so far the crud has stayed away--well, I did cough my head off for a month before Christmas lol. Light and storage, the two main needs in a sewing room!

  9. Your En Provence colors are lovely! I'm so glad illness has left the house.

  10. Those bins look really useful, Kate! Great idea! I have piles of blocks everywhere... I'm also interested in your new light. I have a dark sewing room, too. Whenever I take photos on my cutting table, they come out kind of yellow!

  11. I like those bins! I work on multiple projects as well, just today I had 5 on the go, including my leader/ender project.

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE the colours of your BH mystery!!!!!

  13. What neat organizational bins. They look so cute with their black and white fabric. Love your new light too. I've seen those at Paducah and wished I had given in last time. Maybe this year I'll bring one home. Now to decide which type - floor model, clip on or desk style. Decisions, dedisions. lol


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