
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

WIPS: Just in Time Stitching

Often life interferes with my ability to keep my stitching plans on track (It's a common problem with various degrees of severity).  My most recent derailer is my day job (it pays for my quilting habit, so I try not to complain too loudly).  Thankfully since the big project launch in August, the job has been mostly on simmer.  Drama Teen isn't playing sports any longer, so we are not running all over the state for volleyball tournaments these days.  Though I think we do have to spend a weekend in November as debate judges.  So you'd think I'd be more on top of my stitching these days.  Not so much it seems.  

However, I did manage to get the steps in the first clue in the Meadow Mist Mystery finished. 

 Meadow Mist quilt along mystery by Cheryl Brickey

Which is really good because clue 2 comes out on Thursday.  I don't think the white fabric was my original choice for a background, but I can't tell from fabric photos taken last month.  It seems a bit stark to me, but hopefully it won't seem that way once more of the mystery blocks are made.  I really like Cheryl's mysteries.  The two I've done have used relatively large pieces, they go together fast so it's easier to stay on track.  It also helps that the clues come out monthly. 

Linking up this week with Let's Bee Social and Needle and Thread Thursday.  


  1. Ha, you don't have to tell me about 'teen dramas', ugh! I love your block. Any time you can squeeze in for a bit of quilting is always time well spent whether it's 5 minutes or 5 hours. Every minute adds up after all! Hope you get some more time soon :)

  2. Ooooh this turned out so pretty! I just finished my blocks up this weekend and should have them posted today too! I am very ready to start on the October clue and maybe get it done before the end of the month this time!

  3. It's looking good to me, Kate. I think you're probably right that you'll like it better once you add more pieces. You might even decide the white was the perfect choice!

  4. I think that your blocks and colors look great!

  5. I like it!!! It may take you a while to get into a new routine with the changes, and then bam - the stitching will happen!!

  6. I think it's coming together too! You never know until it's finished! Good luck!

  7. I'm on a HST project too--but not so far along. Claire aka Knitnkwilt

  8. Hum, stark you say? I say crisp. I like that blue and white combo. Hopefully you will like it as you make more blocks. Must admit I don't miss the teen drama. But darn, my 35+ year old daughter had a melt down so similar to high school I was in utter shock. Luckily I was able to talk her through it. So, even though our kids grow up and mature a bit (ok a LOT) they can still have dramas. Back to quilting for me!


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