
Monday, August 15, 2016

Weekend Stitching: A Drained Brain Finish

It's the middle of August.  Already?  The last half of the year always seems to go faster than the first half of the year.  Wasn't it just June?  Life certainly seems to move at the speed of light sometimes. The last two weeks have been busy, work has been insane.  It's been hard to find time to sew.  I don't have to sew when my schedule gets amped, but finding some quiet time in the sewing room usually helps with the stress levels.  But I've also learned that sewing when my brain is really ready for idle mode isn't usually a good idea.  That tends to result in a later session with a seam ripper.  Thankfully I was able to set the brain to idle  and watch the Olympics while hand stitching the binding to the Midnight Mystery Quilt (Midnight Tulips). 

Midnight Mystery Quilt (Midnight Tulips)  From Meadow Mist Designs

This project was started last July as part of the Midnight Mystery Quilt Along sponsored by Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs.  I wanted to get this quilt finished because Cheryl has a new quilt along this year.  There's just less guilt about starting the next mystery if you finished the last one.  Especially when your UFO count is 17.  I'm really happy with the finished project.  It has a bit more modern vibe than what I typically make, but it's good to branch out sometimes.   This quilt is going to be a Christmas gift for Drama Teen's confirmation sponsor.  She's a long time friend of the family and remains one of DT's favorite teachers.  

This quilt has been a bear to photograph. For some reason the red ends up as a ghastly shade of orange if I don't color correct in Photoshop Elements.  It was also really hard to get a decent photo of Trudy's wonderful quilting. 

I really like the red petals she quilted in the center of each star, they are still hard to see in this photo. The quilting in the black background is a simple meander.  Showing the back won't help, it' a pretty busy print.  My justification for starting this mystery was that I'd use up some of my older stash.  So the back was something I had on hand. 

I'd show you the whole back, but those little white flowers are a bit overwhelming in large quantities.  

Midnight Tulips is just my second finish for 2016.  The plan for the year is to finish 8 projects.  It's August, so finishing that many isn't likely.  But Allietare just needs binding, Poinsettias is almost a finished flimsy and Zombies in Paris is close behind.  So it's likely I'll get halfway to my goal this year.  

Linking up with 
Monday Making
Main Crush Monday
Design Wall Monday


  1. I know exactly what you mean about feeling less guilty to start another project if you finish up one! I'm doing the same thing about Barb's block swap.
    Enjoy watching the olympics and binding... two of my favourite things!

  2. Just gorgeous, Kate. Good for you finishing it with such a busy schedule.

  3. Beautiful color combination! They just glow!

  4. It looks great! Good job with another finish.

  5. Having a goal is to help motivate you. But, as you've indicated, life sometimes gets in the way of our plans! Personally, I would be happy to have just 17 UFOS. ( "I have 49," she whispered.) But I've finished 5 this year already. I'm working on one off and on now. Might be time to pick another one to work on or finish one of the new ones I've started this year. Love the quilting on Midnight Tulips and yea for using stash!

  6. It was pretty before the quilting, but that quilting makes it! Congrats on a finish.

  7. Beautiful! I love the fabrics and the quilting is wonderful!

  8. That red and the tulips against the dark background are beautiful! And lovely quilting. Congrats on the finish!

  9. beautiful quilting!! beautiful quilt.

  10. This is just gorgeous! I just sent my Midnight Mystery quilt off to the quilter so hopefully I will see it again soon!

  11. You're finished? Already!! I haven't even gotten started with my quilt. Congrats! on your newly completed quilt... I'm not TOO jealous. Really!!

  12. Your quilting is beautiful! I hope that you will be able to meet your goal this year!!


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