
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Stash Management Week 18 of 2016

I'm a bit groggy this morning having stayed up a later than normal last night waiting for Drama Teen to get home from the prom.  She certainly looked pretty last night.  

I finally went to bed after she came home to change for the after prom party.  I'm not sure what time she finally got in for the night, I do know it was pretty late. She has her first advanced placement test tomorrow morning, so prom was the last bit of fun before she has to buckle down and study for exams and finals. 

There was some late night sewing  last night while I was waiting for DT to get home.  It boosted the outgoing numbers for the week just a bit. 

Used last week: 0.95 yards
Used in April:  7.67 yards
Used year to date:  24.85 yards
Purchased year to date:  17.75 yards
Net used for 2016:  7.10 yards 

Not a stellar week for stash busting, but most of what I'm sewing are small blocks.  I'm in the process of assembling Allietare.  The borders and backing for that project should help boost the yardage going out in the coming weeks. 

I've also been keeping track of how many days each week I make it to the sewing room for at least 15 minutes.  The more of that I do, the more stitching that gets done.  Last week was a good one on that front. 

Days with 15 minutes of stitching time this week:  7 days
Days in April:  24 days out of 30
Days this year:  99 out of 121

I didn't spend much time stitching yesterday, most of the afternoon was spent working on the design for one of the graduation quilts.  The fabric placement just needs some tweaking before I can start drafting the instructions for the blocks.  That's the plan for this afternoon. 

You can find more stash management posts over at Judy's Patchwork Times.


  1. Sometimes the preparation is more intense than the piecing.

  2. You are right, she sure was pretty.

  3. Oh my goodness...she's lovely.

  4. Gracious, she looked stunning! Your zombie quilt -- oh, I love the new look! I'm sure she was very pleased with it!! :)

  5. Very pretty in ombré blue! Amazing how fast high school goes once kids finally get there :).
    Good for you as to getting into the swing of 15 minutes a day. I've been ignoring my messy piles behind me and just concentrating on stitching blocks.

  6. What a very beautiful young lady. THe Zombie Love design is a go with me, too.

  7. Beautiful young lady and dress!


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