
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stash Report - Week 6 of 2016

Last week went fast.  That head cold kept me sidelined the first part of the week. But once Wednesday rolled around, I was feeling almost normal.  I did spend yesterday afternoon in the sewing room, but didn't get much stitching done.  A lot of time was spent prepping the back of the McCall's Mystery quilt for shipping.  Today I'll do the finished flimsy.  That has to be my least favorite part of the quilting process, the finial pressing and clean up.  

So though not a lot of stitching got done, I've reached the point on almost all the active projects where I'm finishing blocks.  That's the point I count my fabric as out.  So this week looks pretty good in terms of stash usage.  

Used last week:  2.31 yards
Used in February:  2.19 yards
Used year to date:  11.46 yards
Purchased year to date:  0 yards
Net used for 2016:  11.46 yards

The big blocks for the Midnight Mystery quilt use almost a half yard of fabric, so finishing up one of those makes a big jump in the numbers.  

It also helps that I've been really good about getting in at least 15 minutes of stitching every day.

This week:  7 out of 7 days
This month:  6 out of 6 days
This year:  37 out of 37 days

It's amazing how just a few minutes a night can make a difference in progress. I usually end up spending about 45 minutes in the sewing room each evening. 

I've also been trying to capture a photo a day as one of my 2016 goals.  I haven't done as well with that goal, I missed a few days when I was sick. Wednesday's beautiful sunrise got me back on track with the camera.  

It's always nice to start off the day with a pretty view.  Have a wonderful week.  Linking up with Patchwork Times.  


  1. You can't finish a project w/o sewing and you can't sew if you don't use the machine. Love that sunrise.

  2. Beautiful sunrise. I don't see many of those so it's nice to see pictures. lol

    You are doing so well on your stash progress, especially with work and sick time in there.

  3. I did not get my 'dress' all sewn yesterday either--though I did get a good start on it-then discovered that I had the fabric switched around on 2 of the skirt pieces so ---tomorrow or later today maybe I can get it finished!!
    love that photo--that needs to be printed off and framed-
    love and laughter, di

  4. Great numbers for de-stashing. You're over my 1/10th for the year. I sew every day, but like last week not always piecing. Love your sunrise.

  5. Nicely done! I've definitely enjoyed the sunrise and sunset lately. The clouds glow in some magnificent hues!

  6. I am glad you are feeling better. That's great that you have been able to get into the sewing room every day. What a gorgeous view!

  7. Great job, Kate. I'm impressed that you can keep track on your stash / de-stash activities. And happy for you that you managed to sew every day this year.

  8. Good job sewing each day, and love that sunset picture!

  9. Glad to see you are better. I have caught the bug this week and it's no fun. Great numbers on your stash too. Yipee on zero added too. Very pretty sunset.


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