
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Stash Report - Week 44 of 2015

We had lots of trick or treaters last night.  My Guy and Drama Teen spent the afternoon carving the pumpkins, which as usual were a big hit with the little ones. 

They went with the Jack of Hearts.  Drama Teen's reasoning was that it was a Jack o' lantern, so why not?  At any rate, they both had a great time with it and the kids loved it.   

Did you set your clock back this morning?  The one in our bedroom does that automatically, but we need to fix the other clocks in the house.  I'm looking forward to the earlier sunrise, but dreading the earlier sunset.  It will be dark leaving work, which is a bit of a downer.  

Speaking of downers, this weeks stash report is a bit dismal.  Not much stitching going on.  Between napping and the trick or treaters, I've not managed to make it into the sewing room this weekend. So here's the numbers:

Used last week:  0.11 yards
Used in October:  8.81 yards
Used year to date:  38.79 yards
Purchased year to date:  24.25 yards
Net used for 2015: 38.79 yards  

Even though the report doesn't look great this week, it's not bad for the year.  I've used more fabric then I did last year and  have bought a lot less than the previous five years.  For the first time in six years, there is a net loss from the stash.  So 2015 has been a good stash management year.  Hopefully I can maintain that till the end of the year.

You can check out more stash tales over at Patchwork Times.  


  1. Cute jack-o-lantern!! We did trunk or treat last night, and the girls next to me had an Alice in Wonderland theme . . . they'd have loved your pumpkin!! I always change our clocks the night before we go to bed. So I'm really getting that extra hour! LOL! Hey -- it may be small usage, but it's *something*, right?!? :)

  2. That is one creative pumpkin. Kudos to Your Guy and Drama Teen, they did a great job. And congrats to you on your lack of purchases for the year! It is so hard not to buy all the wonderful new fabric that is out there.

  3. Very creative pumpkin carving! Congrats on your stash numbers for the year.

  4. Cute pumpkin! :) Great numbers!

  5. I'd say the numbers look pretty good!

  6. Your numbers are still looking good! Cute pumpkin

  7. I gave up carving pumpkins a few years back ,since our kids are grown, but still decorate for the holiday and enjoy seeing all the kids in costume. We had maybe 100 trick or treaters last night, a pretty low number compared to some years! Hope you get sewing soon.


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