
Friday, September 4, 2015

Life in Pieces 5 Year Blogiversary

After 5 years and 1173 posts, I'm still blogging.  Over those 5 years, I've sometimes posted every day and sometimes not at all for weeks at a time. Life gets busy, blogging becomes a chore, but eventually I find my way back.  It's hard to stay away.  When I started the blog 5 years ago, I had no idea of the all the wonderful people I would meet on line.   You all inspire me, motivate me, engage me, uplift me, share with me, and laugh with me.   So to say thanks for all the fun, I have a give away.  A fat quarter packet from RJR Fabrics called Chalk Line.  

So just leave a comment and next Saturday the 12th, I'll select a winner. If you are a no reply blogger be sure to include your email address in your comment.  

In looking back, I found some of my old headers.  Here's a few of my favorites.  

Winter 2010 Header 

Summer 2011 Header

Spring 2012 Header

July 2013 Header

September 2014 Header

Thanks for a fun five years!  


  1. Congratulations!

  2. Love your choice for a giveaway, so pick me! Hearty congratulations on your stick-to-it attitude.

    I think changing your headers is a fun way to evolve. I've done a couple already in a year, but doubt it will be the last. It says a lot about who we are, our style, and our life at the current stage. I appreciate that you even changed your font each time. It's like freshening things up for the eye.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so glad you shared your anniversary with us Kate. I'm in the life is busy and not very motivated to sew stage. By the time I get home from work, sewing seems like a chore, thus nothing to really blog about. LOL!!! Hopefully with the start of school under my belt and a three day weekend ahead my sewing mojo will be rejuvinated!! Thanks for the chance to win such yummy fabric! V:)

  4. Congratulations on your 5 yr Anniversary - love the display of headers thru the years. And what a very pretty and generous give away that is sure to inspire any one to start a new project.

  5. Congrats!!! Happy 5th year anniversary, and here's to many, many more.

  6. Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous fabrics. I love RJR! Happy 5th.

  7. I love the change of headers. Happy 5th Anniversary! Hope you have many more!

  8. Congrats on your 5th! Thanks for the chance to win those cool fabrics.

  9. Congrats on five years, I hope to maintain mine so long, I'm going on 4 weeks LOL. I like all your headers I started reading your blog in the year of the daisies.

  10. Congratulations! We started blogging just months apart from one another! Lucious fabrics, and I think I should win, if I do say so myself.

  11. CONGRATS ON "5"!

  12. 5!!! WOW...congrats to you!

  13. congrats , coming up on my forth last of this year.

  14. Congrats on your five year anniversary! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  15. Happy 5 years! Love your blog and your current header is the best one!

  16. Congrats on 5 years, that is such an accomplishment! I really liked seeing the progression of your headers.

  17. Thanks for all your hard work and the long haul you've made, I always enjoy checking in on your posts to see what you've been up to and add to my Pinterest boards.

  18. It's been fun getting to know you and your family. Congrats on five years! and over 1100 posts. Love the give away too!

  19. Wow, 5 years. That's great. The time goes so fast. Blogging is like a journal. You can always go back and read what you have done.... Congratulations

  20. Happy 5th! I've been following you since I found you earlier this year - I wish it had happened earlier... 8)
    Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway!

  21. Congratulations on five years! It seems longer - I feel like I've "known" you the whole time I lived in Oklahoma, and that was a good long time ago! I still like the daisy header the best! (Oh, and I've won a giveaway here before, so this is just a congrats - if Mr Random picks me, pick someone else. :) )

  22. I've found your blog this summer and I really enjoy your posts. Thanks for the give away. Gretchen

  23. I've just recently found your blog and it is lovely. Happy fifth anniversary!

  24. Happy blogaversary! Five years is a long time, and you've had a lot of posts--glad you've stuck around!

  25. I know what you mean. I always come back to the blog after being away. Nice give away.
    Happy Fifth Anniversary!

  26. So happy you have been blogging for 5 years! I've only started following you, but I look forward to many more years of following your adventures. Blessings!

  27. Congrats on five years of blogging. What a lot of little treasures might be found there! Looks like your orange is off to a good start.

  28. Congratulations on 5 years it might be that long for me too. It's amazing the connections you make across the world

  29. Happy Anniversary, Kate!
    You're always an inspiration to me. I love how you get in your sewing room almost daily, even if for just a few minutes. You make me want to sew & quilt, too!

  30. Yeah for five years and here's to many many more.

  31. Showing me all those pretty headers has inspired me to update my blog. I just have to find the time. I enjoy following your blog Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. Happy 5th anniversary - enjoy dipping into your posts. Christine.

  33. Congratulations on your 5th blogversary! I was sorry to hear about your headache - hope it is all gone now. I enjoyed seeing your previous headers. Thanks for the chance, Kate. We enjoy coming to your blog.

  34. Thank YOU for the fun 5 years! It's wonderful to be able to revisit your lovely blog headers... you do such a great job with them. Cheers to another 5 years of quilting and blogging!

  35. Congratulations! And I hope you will blog for a long time, love your blog!

  36. Happy Blogaversary! 5 years is a pretty big deal. I love all the headers. It's fun to look back.

  37. Happy anniversary! Congratulations for these 5 years!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your feedback and ideas. I try dilgently to reply to all comments (It may take me a few days, but I eventually get there). If you are a no reply blogger, I can't reply back. Please check that your settings are set to show your email. Thanks for stopping by!