
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

WIPs - Switching Gears for a Finish

The last few weeks I've been showing my progress on the Twinkle Star blocks.  No progress on that front this week because the 2014 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler came back from being quilted last week.  The binding has been made for several days, but it's not been attached because the quilt needs a label. To finish the label the quilt needed a name.  I put some possible names on Monday's Design Wall post.  The thought was to stick with a name containing "rainbow" or something the referred to the rainbow of colors.  Some of the favorites from the comments included Scrappy Skittles, Cuddle the Rainbow, Color Splash and using the abbreviations of some chemical elements that produce unique colors in a chemical flame test (Cu, Cd, Co, C).  DT wasn't thrilled with any of those choices (she's claimed this quilt as her couch cuddle quilt).  She suggested rather than limit the colors to just a few, why not name the quilt "Flame Test" as the range of elements in the periodic table produce a rainbow of colors when subjected to a flame.  

Drama Teen took chemistry this year and is really considering pursuing a chemistry degree in college, so I bowed to her wish and named the quilt Flame Test.  Now that the name was decided on, I could have fun coming up with the label.  

It's definitely a bit geeky, but Drama Teen loves it.  She and I spent a lot of time bonding over chemistry this last school year while I was making the quilt, so the name will bring back a lot of memories for both of us.  

Unfortunately with the holiday weekend and my quilt naming diversion, nothing else got done on the other WIPs in the sewing room.  But that's OK, it won't be long before I have my first finish for 2015. 

You can check out other WIPs over at Esther's Quilt Blog, Freshly Pieced and My Quilt Infatuation.   


  1. I think it is a fantastic label and name.

  2. Oh, cool! Great choice DT, and fun label, Mom :)

  3. I love the idea of quilting, though I've never done it. It's great that you can bond with your daughter while quilting!


  4. What a fabulous label! How lovely to spend time with your DD coming up with it (and how lovely that she wants your scrappy quilt too!).

  5. Perfect! What a great name, label, and what a fun activity for you to share with your daughter. Bravo.

  6. How awesome that DT named her own cuddle quilt. Great choice DT.

  7. really great label! and good mom for letting her name it. =)

  8. What a fabulous label! I love the name the two of you came up with and the way you present all the information on the label.

  9. Chemistry was my hardest subject - biology and embryology were my thing. It's so neat you are bonding with your daughter this way. Flame test is the perfect name. Congrats on your progress wherever it happened.

  10. Such a clever name! And I love the label, awesome job! :)

  11. Your quilt is lovely and your label very cool!

  12. Okay, I am ridiculously behind, but... I like the name! And the label is just perfect - all the details in an adorably geeky way. DT will always remember why!


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