
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Still Seeing Red

Life slowed down just a bit this week.  Drama Teen is back in school, so the madness of trying to get her to all the summer activities is over.  We are back to a much more predictable schedule.  My Guy is back from a two week business trip and will be home for about three weeks before he heads out again.  Hopefully we'll be able to maintain this reduced stress schedule until DT has her knee surgery at the end of the month.  

Not much stitching got done in July due to vacation and other summer activities, so I've been playing catch up this month with the red Rainbow Scrap Sampler blocks this month.  The last red block was finished last night. 

 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler
By Angela Feldbush of Soscrappy

Most of my red scraps are 1930's prints and these blocks certainly reflect that.  Red isn't a color that shows up in my quilts often, so I don't have a big variety of scraps, but there were enough to make these blocks.  

I'm still cutting scraps for the red Inverted Star block.  I need 16 Scrappy Butterfly blocks to have enough for the setting that's been floating around in my head, so another green one will probably get made once the red scraps are put away.  

Check out Soscrappy for more fun projects using scraps.  


  1. Love the hash tag or pound sign as it was known not too long ago. The vertical stripe really makes the block.

  2. I like all the reds together

  3. I like reds!! Your blocks are great. Here's to hoping for a great sewing week!

  4. Oh Kate....THANK YOU for this I STILL haven't made my red blocks yet....LOL!! I hope to get them done today????OH BTW....yours look great!!

  5. PS and since I don't have many green scraps, I'm skipping the lime green this month...LOL!!

  6. Your red blocks are lovely. I hope DT gets well quickly after surgery!

  7. Que variedad de bloques en verde, feliz costura!!!

  8. What a lovely collection of red blocks here.

  9. The mini triangles block looks great Kate! Lots of lovely reds in that lot of blocks too.

    If you need reds - pop on over- I have a ton of them - its one of my favourite colours.

  10. Oh, who doesn't love 30's fabrics! Everything looks awesome in 30s prints!

  11. These look great, Kate!
    I especially love the last one on the right of the second row. Great use of your red scraps.

    Praying for DT's surgery. Keep us updated.

  12. Well done! Red is my second favorite color so I have a lot of it. Hope DT's reduced sports schedule means less running around. Is she a junior this year?

  13. It is fun to see some red blocks amongst all the green. Hope DT is settling back into school nicely. It is hard to shift gears. Hopefully it will mean more sewing time for you though!

  14. Love your red blocks. I hope DT's surgery goes well.


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