
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Sunshine in the Sewing Room

The business trip to Denver and Drama Teen's participation in summer league volleyball didn't allow a lot of time for stitching this week.  I still have a couple of green blocks to finish up for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler.  The only thing I did manage to achieve this week was pull together all my yellow scraps.  

These are fat quarters left over from the purple and yellow scrap quilt that was on my UFO list forever.  The plan is to spend some quality time in the sewing room this weekend, so hopefully I'll some yellow blocks to share next week.  For this week I'll just have to check out all the fun yellow creations posted over at Soscrappy.  

There's one thing I wanted to share from my business trip this week.  I don't travel a lot, usually a couple of times per year for business and about as much for family trips.  My Guy travels a lot for business.  Between the two of us we've stayed in very small towns, large resorts, and overseas.  Neither of us have ever come across this particular item as part of the standard room amenities.

When I saw that sitting on the counter right next to the shampoo and conditioner I had to wonder why the hotel felt the need to include ear plugs.  Both My Guy and I have stayed at places where ear plugs would have helped greatly when trying to get/stay asleep. Thankfully the hotel in Denver wasn't one of those places.  

Have a great weekend.


  1. You have a lovely lot of yellows!

  2. What a wonderful collection of sunshiny yellow. I was wondering about the time of year and the ear plugs. Do graduation parties happen at that hotel? I know I've been in a hotel where there was a grad dinner/dance and many of the attendees stayed over night. I know I'd wished I had ear plugs. You would think the hotel would have put all the kids together so it didn't matter if they carried on after the dance. Sigh!

  3. Lots of pretty yellows there! I have not traveled much, but what usually wakes me up in cheap places are the noisy air conditioners!

  4. Beautiful yellows! I'm so happy that June is yellow; I'm going to enjoy everyone's blogs this month!

  5. You've got such a lot of yellow it should come together superbly.

  6. What a sunny collection of yellow fabrics! Looks like you will be all set when you settle in to sew this weekend. Enjoy!

  7. I think the ear plugs are a great idea! I usually have a hard time sleeping anywhere that is new until I get used to the sounds.
    That collection of yellows could make a whole new quilt!

  8. Wow. I'm envious of your yellow collection.

  9. LOL - I carry ear plugs with me so would have snapped up those in the hotel. Nice touch.

  10. Nice selection of yellows! Hope you didn't need the ear plugs.

  11. What a beautiful collection of yellows you get to play with.

  12. Those yellows look lovely. Interesting addition to the hotel room supplies, would make you wonder about the quietness of their rooms.

  13. I have not seen earplugs either...I love your yellows and STILL need to look at mine...


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