
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Something Blue

The first full week of work after the holidays was a long one.  It takes a while to get the rhythm back.  Add in Drama Teen's crazy school athletics schedule and we were all glad to see the weekend get here.  One good thing that happened this week was getting the lap top back.  The hard drive crashed and burned a couple of weeks before Christmas.  The Easy Tech guys at Staples put in a new hard drive, reloaded the operating system and got MS Office working.   I'm still reloading my other software and rebuilding a few files that weren't backed up, but the most commonly used stuff is just about back to normal. It's nice to be to able to write this blog post from the nice warm recliner rather than the cold office.    

Not as much stitching going on as I would like, but I have made a start on this year's Rainbow Scrap projects.  Most of my scraps are just thrown into the scrap drawer, I've been really bad about cutting and organizing them when a project is finished.  I'm determined to do something with them this year, so I pulled out all the blue scraps and sorted them into piles. 

I don't have a big variety of scraps, but there is definitely some yardage left of a few of them.  I wasn't going to start Angela's Rainbow Sampler, but after seeing the amount of fabric here, it seemed like a good idea to do something with it.  I've only managed to finish the first half square triangle block.  

I hope to make a start on the other blocks sometime this weekend. 

There are two other scrappy projects on the list for this year.  One is to make more of the Butterfly blocks I started last year.  This block is a paper pieced project from Electric Quilt.  I hadn't printed any extra patterns, so I was dead in the water on this one till EQ was re-installed Thursday night.  I'm going to print off patterns for all 11 blocks that I need to make so that should there be other computer problems, that project will not get stalled. 

The second scrappy project for 2014 is to make some Inverted Star blocks.  This pattern is a free download from Craftsy. I've got all the blue half square triangles made. 

So hopefully I'll have some time to play with the lay out, decide on one and then stitch it all up before the end of this weekend.   

That's pretty much it for my adventures with scraps for the last week.  Check out all the other scrappy goodness going on over at Soscrappy.  


  1. Sorting through your blue scraps is definitely a good start. Your HSTs look great--lots of beautiful blues!

  2. The only organization my scraps get are sorted by colour and bagged -- that's it. All pressing and cutting occurs when I need the fabric! Good luck with RSC this year -- I have plans but haven't started anything yet!

  3. I don't organize my scraps at all, except to fold up the bits that still have at least a fat eighth to go with them and put them back into their storage. Or toss them. So your flying high as far as I'm concerned!! :)

  4. Good news about your computer being home again!
    Love your blue fabrics. I sort my scraps by color. Press as I need them. That's about it.

  5. Oh so pretty, Kate! Keep up the good work. I organize my scraps in gallon Ziplock bags by color. Most of them are 2" square or bigger or strings. If a strip is more than 5" wide, I don't consider it a scrap and put it in a semi-sorted tote.

  6. Looks like you have a great start!! And Glad you got your laptop back! Maybe life will get into a rhythm for you...

  7. Great start on the blues! You're tempting me with the inverted star...I could do that, easily!

  8. Good going. I see you experienced some ice storm problems. Great picture!

  9. Looks like you have made a great start on the blues. Organizing each color as we come to it makes it so much less overwhelming. Love your block too.

  10. You have some beautiful blue scraps and blocks. I like the inverted start I think I may have to try make one to go with some blocks from a previous year. So many ideas;)

  11. Great scrap projects on the go there Kate. I love scrappy projects-they're always so interesting to play around with.

  12. What pretty HSTs... I look forward to seeing what they turn into!

  13. Glad your computer has been fixed. I am also participating in the RSC14. I am really excited about it! Can't wait to see your scraps come to life!

  14. You have such pretty blue scraps!

    Computer troubles are not fun!!

  15. That's a great choice for your Rainbow quilt. It will be fun watching this come together.

  16. You sew a nice blue block and i´m looking forward to see your star (next week?). Well done.

  17. I think you will be able to make more than you think from that pile of blue. You are off to a great start. I like looking at everyone's blues.

  18. Pulling and sorting is the first step. Looks like they are being made into some pretty hst's. Will look forward to seeing what they turn into next week.


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