
Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Design Wall - Celtic Solstice

Some Monday's are just harder than others.  I'm still dealing with the dregs of that cold I had last week and it's cold outside.  I know it's not as cold here as it is up north, but I'm sitting in our home office with a quilt draped over me because the heat just can't keep up.  I'm not looking forward to heading into work, our building is notoriously cold in this kind of weather.  Drama Teen was supposed to go back to school today, but they've canceled school.  I'm not sure if it's because of the 4 to 6 inches of snow we got yesterday or if the bitter cold caused them to make that decision.  Of course she's delighted to have one more day of holiday break before she starts the second semester.  

Now that the holidays are over, I've had more time to sew.  I made enough progress on Celtic Solstice to be able to put some pieces up on the design wall and check out how well the secondary design shows up.  

It's going to look good.  I'm still not thrilled with the lighter brown, but it looks OK.  It definitely has a southwestern feel to it.  No one at my place has claimed it as their own, so I'm thinking this may be this year's QOV.  

Bonnie is supposed to have one more linky party so everyone can show off how their blocks look together.  I'm also linking up to Judy's Design Wall Monday.  Check out all the eye candy at both blogs, there will be a lot of it.  


  1. It looks fantastic! LOVE your colors. BTW the ice picture header is a beautiful pic of what we have to endure right now.

  2. The turquoise really catches your eye - lovely! This is the first time I have visited your blog. I had to laugh at the Drama Teen label. I have a Drama Queen (16 yr old daughter) so I know EXACTLY what you mean.

  3. I love your fabric choices, it is going to be a beautiful quilt!! I printed out all the instructions and hope to make one also, of course, not a mystery anymore!!! But that's OK. Have a lovely week and Happy Quilting!!

  4. I love it! One of the prettiest Celtic Solstice quilts I've seen thus far. :)

  5. Love it! It will appeal to many! Hope the cold and sickness leave quickly.

  6. I love blue and brown together (in fact, minus the orange, I wore your CS combo yesterday) and the orange in it really makes it pop!! You're right -- it definitely has a southwestern feel to it, which feels warm and good on a very cold Monday morning! :)

  7. Love the turquoise and brown together!

  8. well I love it! and I'm remaking a lot of my Trirecs w darker blues, just finished trimming them up. I love the way Forest Jane, of the FB page has her's arranged. I wasn't planning on going that large but.....

  9. I like the blues and browns! There are a LOT to see over at Bonnie's and Judy's Linky parties today. I love Mondays in Blogland! It's time for me to go and sew, 3 hours cruising blogs is enough...

  10. I love all of the colours - even the brown . Yes its very South Western but someone is going to love this quilt if you dont keep it for yourself.

  11. Sure is fun to see all the different quilts in the Quiltville Mystery quilts. Love your colors.

  12. Wow! It's an amazing pattern!

  13. Sorry about your cold but you've made good use of the time. That is going to be a gorgeous quilt. I bet someone claims it before you get it finished.

  14. Wonderful work Kate! I love being able to see this in a non scrappy color wave. This would make a great QOV! That is where mine is going as, if I could get back to blogging about it!

  15. Love the pattern - the blocks look great! Love your header too.

  16. I love your CS! I think the double brown really lets the other colors and pattern pop. It's very warm and inviting.


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