
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

15 Minute Challenge -

I'm starting to not like Tuesday.  It's become my morning to get Drama Teen to 6 AM swim practice.  After years of working in a facility with shifts that start that early you'd think I'd be used to getting up and out.  But I've been spoiled, it's been a few years since my schedule required me to be at work by 6.  It's a fast a furious pace to get out the door by 5:45 AM.  I'll be glad when we get to the end of swim season in February!  

I'm still in wrap up mode at work, lots of report writing and performance review discussions.  For some reason that's put me off sewing when I get home at night. I've been more inclined to curl up in the recliner with a good book in the evenings.  This week was even worse than last week in terms of wanting to find stitching time.   

Only three days of stitching this week.  The weekend was my saving grace.  I spent all of Sunday afternoon stitching away.  I did a bit of pinning this evening so I can sit down and stitch up a few blocks the next time I have a chance to get into the sewing room.  Drama Teen has a swim meet tonight and I'm on tap to be a timer.  I doubt we get home in time for me to do much in the sewing room, so it will probably be Wednesday before I have a chance to get to any stitching. 

Though I've not been sewing much, I have been using the time in the recliner to give some thought to this month's fostering creativity theme of making/using mood boards.  It's common in the interior design industry, many who commented had not seen them employed by quilters.  I found a few quilter blogs that explored their use for making quilts.  

Blossom Heart Quilts did a series of mood boards focused on quilting.  Those included fabrics that fit a theme, quilts in specific colors, etc.  She was linking up with Mood Board Monday over at Life as We Know it.  Some of her recent themes have been floral, metallic, taking flight and neon.  After checking out several of their posts, I've got a few ideas on how a mood board might work for me. 

More on mood boards next week.  Now it's time to head out the door to get DT to swim practice.  I've got just enough time to add Mr. Linky so you can share how your stitching went this last week. 

1. Julie in GA

2. Lesley A

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  1. I think I've lost my mojo forever - everything has come to a dead stop here so your effort looks fabulous by comparison.

  2. Like your new header .. three days is about three days more than I did this week. Life just seems to get in the way sometimes. Hope your next week is a little better. So sorry about the early mornings .. this too will pass.

  3. Good job getting some days in (and really good job getting out the door that early in the morning!!!)

    I'm going to be looking into those mood board links...I'm hoping something along those lines might get me focused on where I want to go next!

  4. I've lost my sewing mojo a bit, slowly getting back into the swing.

  5. Since it's getting dark at 5:30 now, some evenings all I can do is clean up after dinner and watch tv- not sew.
    I love the mood board idea! I may get a tropical one ready for tomorrow.

  6. WM and I have started a new morning routine. We now both get up at 4:50am to got for a 30min walk before he heads off for the day. Today was Day 10 of the new routine and we haven't missed a day yet, although we did walk later than 5am on Saturday and Sunday! I am slowly getting used to being up three hours earlier than I used to get up -- it would be good if I started going to bed three hours earlier than I used to!

    I have never seen mood boards used for quilting so ill have to check out those links -- thanks!


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