
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - From Houston, TX

I'm still in Houston this morning, getting ready to head out to a training class related to my job.  This class covers some software I need to use for an upcoming project.  Learning new software is not my first love, but it's going to help me do some cool stuff this next year.  So I'm excited about that, which makes spending 8 hours straight on the computer bearable. 

This month's fostering creativity is "learn something new every day".  Since I'm taking a training class this week, it got me to thinking that learning something new every day isn't really very realistic.  In this software class we are working through real world examples, starting first with ones that use just one module and working up to ones that use all the modules.  The examples have nothing to do with my project.  So that means that when I get home, I'll have to figure out how to make those modules work with those specific situations.  Well, maybe that is learning "something" new every day.  I guess it depends on how you define "something". 

Learning how to machine quilt is on my "to do" list and I think of that as something you "learn" then practice to get good at it.  I've read posts from quilters learning that skill.  Most mention "I learned, how to adjust my tension, how to hold my hands, do this to get better....." Sounds like my definition of "learning" needs to be adjusted too. 

Well, while I've been learning new software, not much stitching happened the last couple of days.  I did manage 4 days last week, but a couple of those were really not much more than 15 minute sessions because that was all the time I had.  Still every little bit adds up to progress. 

So how did you do last week in finding time to stitch, knit, craft or learn something new? 

1. Julie in GA
2. Pat
3. Kate
4. Lesley A

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  1. Even though learning new software can be somewhat tedious, I usually enjoy exploring the possibilities. I hope you'll find your new process interesting.

  2. I'm relearning something, does that count? I have longarm quilting on my to-learn list this month - cant wait for that reward after tedious paper piecing.

  3. Every little bit does add up! Good to see you and thank you for all your kind comments on my blog!

    Hope your training finishes on a high note!

  4. I keep telling myself I'll learn to free motion quilt and putting that off ...I just need to go for it.

    You could start with straight line machine quilting Kate - its easy and you can get some great results.

  5. I love free motion quilting it just that my back doesn't any more and I have to limit my time to 1/2 intervals. Of course I have to finish some quilts as well to quilt. I hate straight line quilting on the machine I find that super boring. Like everything free motion quilting is about practice. I'd love to learn how to do feathers that is on my to do list.

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