
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stash Report - Week 25 in 2013

It's been hot and humid here this week, pretty typical for the first week of summer in Oklahoma.  Not much stitching going on this week. I had a business trip earlier this week, which pretty much negated any stitching for two nights.  Then I spent most of yesterday dealing with a stomach bug.  I'm feeling better today, but definitely not 100% quite yet. 

Since weekends in July are going to be really busy, I'm planning to spend today at my own personal sewing retreat.  My Guy and Drama Teen are OK with that idea.  So I'll be spending some significant time in the sewing room today.  Not only stitching, but doing some cleaning up and organizing.  So maybe next week's stash report will look better than this weeks.

Used last week:  0.63 yards
Added last week:  0 yards 

Used for 2013:  47.73 yards
Added for 2013:  128.58 yards

Net stashed for 2013:  80.85 yards

Nothing in for last week and a little bit out is a really good week for me.  I've been deleting the Fat Quarter Shop emails before I read them so I'm not tempted to look at their sales.  That's been my downfall the last few weeks.  On the bright side, I've used more fabric this year than I did last year and am just one yard short of using more than I did in 2010.  But I've got about 12 yards to go before I break my 2012 record of 60 yards out for the year.  The year is only half over, I may just make it.  

I'm linking up with Patchwork Times.  Hope to see your post there too.  


  1. Sometimes you have to do what it takes! Just remember a stash needs freshening every once in a while.

  2. I got a "we miss you" 20% off coupon from FQS. That was a hard one not to use! But you're doing really well on the out - keep it up!

  3. I cleaned out my e-mails too...much too tempting!

  4. I hear what you're saying about not reading "sale" emails. You are doing great and it's only June. I know you will break all your previous records at this rate.

  5. Im completely convinced you can break your personal best this year. You've been a lean mean sewing machine for the first half of the year.

    Im busy deleting emails too - I almost slipped and went fabric shopping on Friday but the weather conspired against me and forced me to stay inside (too wet to drive across town ) Im counting that as actual willpower!

  6. Lookin' good for reaching your goal soon. I didn't use the FQS coupon but went to the Hancocks site instead. I often delete those sales emails, too. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not!

  7. I also received the "mis you 20% off" from FQS but i did not open the email, I am sticking to this years resolution to finish what is in the cupboard. Would swap warm and humid for very very cold. Have a great week


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