
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Slow Stitching Sunday - The Binding Sagas

On Friday, I told my family that Sunday was going to be a sewing room retreat day.  No chores, no laundry, just sewing and a bit of sewing room clean up.  I've not spent a lot of time in the sewing room yet.  First off this morning, I needed to get photos of Sweet Treats which was completed over a week ago.  I've been experimenting to find good locations in the house that have nice natural light and looking for different props to use for quilt pictures. The light from the north facing windows in my bedroom made for some nice pictures of the completed binding on Sweet Treats. 

I'll show more pictures of Sweet Treats tomorrow as part of the design wall post.  

I started stitching down the binding for Calico Cats yesterday.  

I've not gotten very far, I'm just about to turn the first corner on the first side.  I should make some more progress today while I'm watching the NASCAR race.  This is the last of 5 quilts that I had hoped to have done in May.  This one should be the end of my binding saga for awhile.  

I'm linking up with Kathy's Quilts for her weekly slow stitching post. Check out all the amazing hand work posted there.  


  1. I love stitching down bindings and reflecting on all the work that goes in to a quilt. Sometimes it is hard to put in those final stitches!

  2. I really enjoy stitching binding down . It gives me a legitimate excuse to sit in front of the telly and stitch away.

  3. Love the red binding. Sewing on the binding is probably my least favorite thing to do on a quilt, but I think the only reason for that is that my left hand tends to go to sleep.

  4. I always put my binding work off and end up doing a couple at a time! Congrats on your progress!

  5. I love that pretty red binding. Now I want to see the whole quilt!

  6. I just love binding and spending a few more minutes appreciating a finished quilt...hope you enjoyed your stitching. Thanks for linking up!


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