
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Talk About It

It's March.  It's the last month in first quarter, we'll be one quarter of the way finished with 2013 by the end of the month.  I'm pretty pleased with how I'm doing on fitting in time to sew.  Some nights, like last night, it's just 15 minutes because that's all I can fit in.  Other days it's several hours.  It's paid off, I should have one finish this month and for sure one quilt, possibly two ready to quilt by the end of the month.  

The new month also brings a new fostering creativity theme.  For March, we'll be considering " Talk About Your Crafting".   If you have a quilting blog, this is probably something you don't lack in your creative life.  Sharing ideas, discussing problem areas is something that goes on all the time in the blogsphere.  My bucket list is definitely longer since I've started blogging.  I've received useful comments when I've blogged about a decision point I couldn't get past, directed to tutorials in other cases when I needed help.  It's probably safe to say that most of us utilize this aspect of fostering our creativity pretty regularly.  During my research on this topic this scholarly paper by Rhiannon Gainor popped up. If you can get past the first few paragraphs on information theory, her discussion of quilting blogs as a model of how an online community shares and creates information resources is no surprise to most in the quilting community.  Probably our biggest challenge here is being able to find the time to both blog and sew.  For many of us, some weeks one has to pass on one or the other.  

I did pretty well this week on finding at least 15 minutes to sew. 

Though I broke my three week streak of managing to sew for 7 days.  There were only 6 days where I climbed the stairs to the sewing room.  I needed a break, so I spent last Tuesday night in the recliner with a good book I'd been wanting to read. Putting the borders on the Sofa Quilt is getting old.  Adding borders is probably my least favorite part of making a quilt.  That project has 6 borders, I'm about half finished with border number 4.  

How did you do this week on finding some time to stitch each day?  Or did you succumb to the lure of fostering your creativity by cruising around the blogland or Pinterest?  Either way write up how your week went and link up below.  

1. Kate
2. Amanda
3. Marti
4. Thea
5. Susanne
6. Julie in GA
7. Lesley A

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  1. Everyone needs a break every now and again, right?! I'm like you -- adding borders is my least favorite part of designing/constructing a quilt and I generally stay away from more than two!

    I'll have to check out Rhiannon Gainor's article. I have to agree, blogging and reading quilting blogs has definitely stretched me and encouraged me to try new things--inspired me--and kept me going sometimes! The challenge of finding time to both blog (which *is* an incredibly time-consuming activity) and actually do what I'm blogging about is a biggie -- and why I went from averaging 6/7 posts per week to 3. It's made a HUGE difference!

    Hope you're having a great week -- and keep up the good work on your daily sewing challenge!! :)

  2. Good work on 6 days. I have been hand quilting so the couch is my best friend right now LOL.

  3. It's often a choice for me between blogging or sewing (or one of the million other things I try to fit into my week )

    I've noticed Im definitely a morning person so often I sew before I go to work for a little while.

    You had a great week . I think you've inspired me to try to sew each and every day for the next week. Surely I can fit 15 minutes in !

  4. I am so grateful for the advice and ideas I receive from other bloggers! Not to mention the encouragement... so many wonderfully talented nice people!

  5. Another great week, I do still have days where I just need a break even from sewing and just need to veg in front of the box. Binding is my least favourite bit and I am about half way round. So loving the feel of this quilt though and even though it is quite hot I have been able to stand the weight of this one. I know I am going to have source more silk batting in the future.

  6. I never thought of the end of March as being a quarter way through the year. That's kind of a scary thought in a way. I hope the rest of the year doesn't fly by like the last two months.

    As much as I find the internet useful, when I need to find out how to do something, I turn to blogs first. I can be assured that someone has run across the same problem and found a solution nearly every time.

  7. If I didn't spend so much time goofing off, I'd have plenty of time for both sewing/crafting and the internet. I definitely talk about my crafting on my blog, but maybe this month I can focus on the process as well as just sharing.

  8. Only two sewing days this week, but the weekend out of town was worth it.


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