
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - February Already?

A new month, a new chance to improve your productivity by making time to sew (or whatever creative needle craft you pursue) and a new theme for fostering creativity.  February's theme for fostering creativity is "have a dedicated work space".  Having your own dedicated space helps eliminate distractions and allows you to separate your hobby stuff from the other house stuff.  Plus having a dedicated space allows you to make maximum use of those 15 minutes each week since you don't have to clean a space, then haul all your stuff out.  In my case, quilting is my sanity break.  It's nice to be able to go to my sewing room (I don't think my space aspires to the label of studio), shut the door, turn on some music and be able get away from all the other stuff crowding my life and just stitch away.   Maybe you don't have a room, maybe it's a corner of the dining room or just a table.  This month we'll look into how to make the most of the space you do have (studio, room, or shared table top) and maybe even share what our spaces look like.  

I promised a give away for those who undertook the 15 minute challenge last month.  

A copy of "My Runners Keep Going" by Adis Erla and a layer cake of Connecting Threads Batiks.  The winner is:

Number 12 according to my list of January participants is Lesley of Quilt-a-Daisy.  So congratulations Lesley!  Thanks to everyone one who links up regularly.  It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who struggles with time management.  

So how did last week go?  I manged to find at least 15 minutes to sew 6 out of the last 7 days.  

With the weekends so full lately, I've not had any big blocks of sewing time, but I've been managing about an hour in the evenings and about as much both weekend days.  Still I've made a lot of progress the last month.  One flimsy off being quilted and a second one at the assembly stage.  Not a bad start for 2013.  

So how well did you mange your sewing time last week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Thea
3. Kate
4. Amanda
5. Lesley A
6. Susanne

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  1. Congratulations Lesley! Sewing space is certainly a struggle for me right now. I have a corner of a table in my bedroom but I share the table with my husband and he takes over. I can't have anything more than that right now, but that will certainly change.

  2. I agree that a dedicated space makes a huge difference in productivity. I am very lucky to have a large sewing room, but I am always looking for ways to make it work better. I look forward to any ideas you share in coming weeks.

  3. Congrats to Lesley! Looking forward to this month's theme, as I'm probably moving my sewing space (again) in preparation for putting the house on the market.

  4. Well, as usual, I haven't done a stitch of sewing this week. But! While building bedside tables for my guest room, I decided what kind of quilts I want to make for that room, so that will start today.

    And I am so excited, I have to tell you. Tomorrow there is an estate sale with a Featherweight! I can't wait. But since that item is advertised, I bet it will be priced too high for me.

  5. You've done really well considering how full your life hs been!

  6. As you know mine is in a mess right now but progress is being made. I might have one by the end of February, but I do have a space where I sit of a night that is still up and running.

  7. You did a great job squeezing in some sewing 6 out of 7 days!

    Like you my sewing room doesnt feel very studio like! I love having the dedicated space that I can leave in a complete mess and walk out and shut the door and then just jump right back in and start again when Im ready!

  8. way to go on 6 of 7! and thank you! I've been meaning to get myself moved from where my current dedicated space is to a space a little more separate from the rest of the chaos in this house...maybe it's time I really made the effort to get it done!

  9. Dedicated sewing space would be great as I currently use part of the dining table which means I have to clear my stuff away when its time to eat. We are remodelling the house at the moment so I am trying to make a space.

    Great work on 6 out of 7 days.

  10. Good week for you!! I should start keeping track since this year I have taken time to sew every evening after work for 30-45 minutes. I am getting lots done (I think).


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